Multiple injection sites


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm currently doing Test P EOD and I'm looking to alternate injection sites.

Up until now, I've been alternating glutes, but am looking to incorporate my delts as well.

What are your suggestions? So far, I've done 1 pin in the delt and it was very painful today so I'm trying to minimize usage of delts and rely more on pinning the glutes.

Could I do something like a 60% ratio for glutes and use the delts just 40% of the time? The reason I'm trying to do this is some of the stories I've read regarding scar tissue if I only do glutes 100%.

I do not want to do quads.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
Any new IM site you add will have more pip than usual due to virgin muscle, but will mellow out with time. Some muscles have more pip than others, but ventrogluteal would be a good site to add because it generally has less pip and is easy to pin
Hi guys,

I'm currently doing Test P EOD and I'm looking to alternate injection sites.

Up until now, I've been alternating glutes, but am looking to incorporate my delts as well.

What are your suggestions? So far, I've done 1 pin in the delt and it was very painful today so I'm trying to minimize usage of delts and rely more on pinning the glutes.

Could I do something like a 60% ratio for glutes and use the delts just 40% of the time? The reason I'm trying to do this is some of the stories I've read regarding scar tissue if I only do glutes 100%.

I do not want to do quads.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
Why don't you want to do quads?
Your delts will be fine. Its just a virgin muscle thing. I do daily injections now, and the delts are getting it as 2 of 4 injections sites. Quick too - fold up the t-shirt, pop it in there, shoot and go. Just count 3 fingers down from the shoulder bone and bang in the middle she goes. I can easily accomodate 3ml in the delts now.

First time I did delts I ended up with balloon shoulder, but that's part of the game. Suck it up.

Personally, delt is the less painful for me. But considering pinning is not really that painful I would say just do it and suck it up, if you want to use ASS after all is just a small price to pay 1 minute and it's done.
So far, I've done 1 pin in the delt and it was very painful today so I'm trying to minimize usage of delts and rely more on pinning the glutes.
It could be the gear bro. When I blast I pin delts 2 times a week with no problems.

My guess is its because you are new to injecting there.
Hi guys,

I'm currently doing Test P EOD and I'm looking to alternate injection sites.

Up until now, I've been alternating glutes, but am looking to incorporate my delts as well.

What are your suggestions? So far, I've done 1 pin in the delt and it was very painful today so I'm trying to minimize usage of delts and rely more on pinning the glutes.

Could I do something like a 60% ratio for glutes and use the delts just 40% of the time? The reason I'm trying to do this is some of the stories I've read regarding scar tissue if I only do glutes 100%.

I do not want to do quads.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
Delts are my favorite now. I was hesitant at first but they so are easy and I can hold a much steadier hand when injecting.