Muscle Depot?

I brewed some of MD's test-e at 300mg/mL and I am very pleased with the results. Very pleased. I didn't bother labmax'ing or melting point testing.
Odd that the random guy posting about how great your gear is happened to join meso April 10th while you joined april 11th :cool:
It does seem really odd but I swear guys I am in no way affiliated with the guys. I just got some of their gear, thought it was good and figured I'd post about it. I've lurked this place for a good two years. I guess I should've made my account long ago.Anyways you can believe me if you want to, if not I totally understand. It does look pretty bad lol!
I'm on MD dbol and test e right now. Been running the dbol for 2 weeks at 50mg per day and 600mg test e per week. Been on the MD test for several months now. Really feeling the dbol kicking in with crazy back pumps and some strength and size gains. I'm having blood work done tomorrow getting everything checked.

I have been having some pip with the test e that I've been making. Not sure if the problem is on my end or the powder... The last batch I made at 300mg per ml with 2% BA and 18% BB using GSO and that shit crippled me! I tried refiltering it again but still had major pip and knots... Made a batch the other night using 1% BA and 10% BB at 250mg and I'm having very little pip after the first injection. Just a little sore, which could be user error on my part.

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I have some I'm about to brew soon. I've been running some test prop I brewed a while ago. It's got a little bite to it but nothing crippling, quad injections had me limping around for a couple of days. I like to use a little EO in all my brews, I feel it helps alot.I'll let you know how the test e comes out.
I recently brewed some test-e at 300mg/mL and I have only done two injections that only contained the test-e. Those were really smooth with barely noticeable pip. Most of the time I mix the test-e with various other compounds (tren-a, test-p, deca).
Thinking about making the next batch with 1% BA, 20% BB, and 50/50 EO and GSO. Seems like the consensus is that the EO will eliminate pip...

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I always use EO in my brewing. At at least a 1:4 (EO:GSO) ratio. Not sure if it is helping with mitigating PIP or not.
I pinned 1cc this morning and already have big knot in my glute... Pisses me off!!!

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I always seem to get knots in delts, especially when I push the capacity and try 1.5cc+. Not in quads though. 1cc isn't much for the quads.

Rutman, what are you going to do? Are you going to try to re-filter?
I did re-filter it again just to make sure that nothing foreign made its way in the vial, and still had bad knots and pip.

I'm going to try and brew up another batch using some of his test c that I have and compare it. That's the only way I'll know if the test e powder is bunk or not.

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I did re-filter it again just to make sure that nothing foreign made its way in the vial, and still had bad knots and pip.

I'm going to try and brew up another batch using some of his test c that I have and compare it. That's the only way I'll know if the test e powder is bunk or not.

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I homebrewed their test c a while back and have had 0 pip. I used grape seed oil if that makes a difference
I homebrewed their test c a while back and have had 0 pip. I used grape seed oil if that makes a difference
Thanks JonSnow. I've been using gso as well but I'm thinking about switching to safflower or mct oil (maybe a 50/50 mixture of the 2), just to make sure that I'm not having a reaction to the oil. Also purchased new bottles of BA and BB. Going to start from scratch with all new supplies.

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Whats up people been away for a while do to personal issues.
It seems everyone brewing the test E has pip issues.
my first batch a while ago.I did as you did
so i switched my shit to 1%ba,5%bb,the rest with safflower oil .
I have used gso for the past few years and tried something diff .
It worked for me it also may have been better quality raw!!
With test E melting point being low I dident think i needed so much BB.
I have sat back and watched this sight.
It has gotten crazy.
Whats up people been away for a while do to personal issues.
It seems everyone brewing the test E has pip issues.
my first batch a while ago.I did as you did
so i switched my shit to 1%ba,5%bb,the rest with safflower oil .
I have used gso for the past few years and tried something diff .
It worked for me it also may have been better quality raw!!
With test E melting point being low I dident think i needed so much BB.
I have sat back and watched this sight.
It has gotten crazy.

Are you the guy posting over at about MD's Test E pip?