You guys tell me if this sounds like it could be what's causing my pip... A friend of mine that I gave some of my test e to also had major pip. Day before yesterday he talked to a nurse friend if his about the problem and she said that the 1 inch pins that he's been using could be causing the compound to pool up near the top if the muscle and not getting deep enough. She suggested a 2 inch 23g pin....but don't hit the bone! He tried a 25g 1 1/2 and dimpled it in his ass when he shot it 2 days ago. He says that he has no pip, knot or anything. He's pinning the same batch of stuff that crippled could going deep into the muscle eliminate pip? Sounds like it might. I'll wait for the knots to go away in my glute and give it a shot Friday and let you guys know how it goes.
Oh.... I had bloods ran and will pick those up next week.
Oh.... I had bloods ran and will pick those up next week.