Muscle loss while on DNP


New Member
Hi all, in Feb I ran DNP for 21 days, 4 days at 200, 4 days at 400 and the remaining time at 600mg. I lost 6lbs of fat and 7lbs of muscle. I'm curious as to why I lost that much muscle, I thought you only lost fat while taking DNP? Is it possible that my dosage was too high?

I'm running DNP again and it's H's Gen II caps. Right now I'm at 400mg and dying. I think I'm going to go back down to 200mg. My question is there a way to prevent the muscle loss that I had last time?

Both were from Heretic, trust me the stuff is real. The first cycle was not his Gen II caps so I don't think they were potent, plus the weather was like 40 degrees during the first cycle. It's constantly over 80 where I am now.

The second cycle is his Gen II caps which I think are much more potent. On the first cycle I would eat candy just to feel the burn 30 minutes later. I don't even want to think what candy would do to me this time around!:)

I don't remember what my bodyfat was on the first cycle. I'd say between 10 and 13%.
Who performed the bodyfat analysis? I ask because if you go from one type of bf analysis, underwater, to another, calipers or electrical impedance, that could provide you with a different bf %. Personally, I have used calipers before, and I could have a difference of +/- 3-5% each time I used it. Just food for thought.
Hey Patuba, I am finding that I have had better results off of lower dosages....go figure. I ran several DNP cycles in the past, each were beneficial (2 cycles of the GenII) but without extreme weight loss. I lost about 3lbs off of each 5-7 day strong cycle. this time I did a low dosage of 200mg at night for 7 days and have lost damn near as much without my water retention removed yet...and I am holding a good bit.

Now I have trained hard and I feel that could be alot of it. While on higher dosages, I can't train.....well, anything I call training. The lower dosage allowed me to function but boy did I sweat in the gym. Instead of being so lethargic, I am able to really expend some energy with a purpose behind it. It might work well for you also.