Muscle loss with t4


I know when taking t3 you need to look out for muscle loss, is t4 the same?

The gyms are closed and in cruising at 200mg test e 200mcg t4 3iu hgh.

Do i need to lower or quit t4 to prevend muscle loss

you can't get hyperthyroidism from t4, which is what makes t3 potentially catabolic as it doesn't differentiate between tissue in a caloric deficit - t4 is not converted to t3 limitlessly iirc.

200mcg t4 is more than sufficient to keep your t4 levels in range on 3iu of hgh usually, even 100mcg may do it.

Seriously though, educate yourself before you randomly take shit like thyroid hormones, all it takes is 3 minutes of googling.
The thing i read about it its that when taking t4 your body convert only what he need for t3, so your metabolism whill be in the high range.

The only thing i never read is muscleloss , something you always read when je read about t3 ...thats why i ask

Im dutch and om dutchforums almost nobody use t4 so not alot off info

Thanks anyway