To the OP:
@Gaia262 please read this post.
You say you're worried about your body health so you are literally depriving yourself of testosterone and, by extent, estrogen.
The fact is, low E2 has serious negative impacts on your health, both short and long term. So, by taking anavar only, or even anavar and primo and not at least
running TRT levels of Testosterone, you're actually doing
more damage to your body than if you were you just take low dose Test along with your other substances.
What I am saying is this: you
don't need to blast 500 mgs of test per week, which honestly is what you are scared of based off your concerns you listed. Things like gyno, water retention, skin aging, heart disease--none of those occur at TRT levels of testosterone, and actually having healthy levels of Testosterone will PREVENT these things from occurring.
If you are going to take anavar and primo, you
definitely should be taking, say, 100 mg/week of Test E or Test C. It really would benefit your overall health, both mental and physical, and go a long way to reducing your risk of:
- Having healthy levels of test and estrogen are
cardioprotective. You DO NOT have these right now, so getting on TRT
will actually PREVENT atherosclerosis and heart disease! It will also help improve your lipid biomarkers!!
- Libido issues are an obvious one
- Decreased sleep quality, which has its own set of issues
- Skin and joint issues - low E2 and low Test will cause all kinds of problems, even impaired wound healing/recovery!
Replacement levels of these hormones are shown to resolve them!!
- Excess fat deposition, particularly in the belly. You are hamstringing your physique goals by crushing your T and E2 during this anavar only cycle.
- Decreased bone density is a big problem over time
- Mental health problems like depression, low energy
- Additionally, evidence suggests having healthy levels of test and e2 will help protect against
strokes, which is something I am sure you do not want to have!
This study showed men with low T are more likely to have previous stroke and my may have a higher all-cause mortality rate after actue ischemic stroke
- Lastly, there is even some evidence that low estrogen may increase amyloid-beta plaque accumulation (which is one of the mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease). Not exactly direct evidence, but evidence that it modulates the way amyloid-beta plaque accumulation occurs, this may partially be due to better sleep. There is also direct evidence that healthy estrogen levels impact cognition, and low estrogen levels worsen cognitive capabilities.
So, in summary, by NOT taking ANY testosterone, you are actually doing MORE damage to your body than if you were to take a replacement level (also known as a "test base") with your other anabolic steroids. I hope you take this into consideration, as you seem to be against taking Test because you think it will be better for your health, however it is the exact opposite! By depriving yourself of testosterone and estrogen, you are doing MORE damage to your health while on these cycles.
You have the opportunity to save yourself from many different forms bodily damage by taking a replacement dose of testosterone in order to maintain health hormonal levels throughout your cycle. Not only is there physical health benefits, but you will also feel better mentally, you'll get rid of these headaches you're having, and you will also experience better outcomes regarding your physique goals. All you need to do is add ~50 mg of Test E or Test C twice per week during through anavar/primo cycle. That's it. There is no negative health impact to doing this, really there is only positives.
Good luck man.
This is really all there is to it. We can wrap this thread up now lol. *bows as Meso provides a standing ovation*