My brew method

I've been brewing prop for over a decade, no way in hell you're getting it to hold at 200mg/ml with zero bb and no pip lol. I'm not sure what's going on here, are we being trolled?
You can try my brewing method yourself, it's simple and it works. I couldn't tell you why it holds so well, my only guess is pressure cooking for an hour at max temp/pressure will dissolve the raw better than the low-heat+BB methods most people use.
Seems to hold even in cold temperatures, 31F outside and neither MCT, grapeseed nor cottonseed crashed after hours of exposure.
Made more brews to experiment.

Made for 2-3x weekly subQ use with no PIP

- Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/mL
- Sesame oil
- No BB
- No BA

Zero PIP, whether IM or subQ.
Does not crash.

Normally I make this with 0.9% BA, but for my sensitive friend who does TRT subQ, the absence of BA brings down the PIP to zero.

High-dose Test Prop
Made for daily IM use with no PIP

- Testosterone Propionate 225mg/mL
- Sesame oil
- No BB
- 0.9% BA

Zero PIP IM.
Crashes slightly in cold (60F), easily remedied with a coffee mug warmer.

High-dose fast-acting test blend
Made for 1-2x daily IM use with low PIP

- Testosterone no-ester 30mg/mL
- Testosterone Propionate 150mg/mL
- Testosterone Cypionate 150mg/mL
- Sesame oil
- 5% BB
- 0.9% BA

Low PIP IM, less PIP than your common UGL test cyp 200mg/mL.
Crashes slightly in cold, easily remedied with a coffee mug warmer.

Some BB is used to hold the no-ester better. If I didn't include the no-ester, no BB is required to keep it to hold.

This is what I use 1-2x daily IM, for my "TRT". Within an hour of injection, libido is high, almost forced erection.
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Reaching temperature for sustained period of time is what kills bacteria, and thus makes the contents of the vial sterile. Instant Pot achieves a sustained 115-118C temperature for an hour on max heat + pressure - this is assuredly plenty to kill any living thing in the vial. I only filter after to remove particulates like dust that may have ended up in the vial, for safe measure, although the dust would be sterile. I add the 0.9% BA to prevent the growth of bacteria in the vial after sterilization.

Study showing Instant Pot is suitable for sterilization (new versions of it even have a specific "Sterilize" setting):

This is interesting indeed. I thought that it was hot steam in contact with the germs that killed them, but in the study you mentioned, the beakers with the tested liquids were sealed with aliminium foil ("with all beakers covered with aluminum foil", from the 'Materials and Methods - pressure cook sterilization' part of the study you mentioned), so it was heat indeed - and not contact - that killed them. Really love people who use studies to back up their claims. Thanks for teaching me something new.

I have two questions:
1) I never used instant Pot, so this may be a silly one: do you pour water into the bottom of the instant pot, and, then, use something to hold your vials above the water? If so, what would this "something" be? (A metal support of some sort, maybe?)

2) people often refer to "loss of potency" regarding exposing gear to high temperatures. What's your take on that?
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I've been brewing prop for over a decade, no way in hell you're getting it to hold at 200mg/ml with zero bb and no pip lol. I'm not sure what's going on here, are we being trolled?
Is there any chance that the pressure cooking process is altering the testosterone - maybe degrading it - to some extent?
This is interesting indeed. I thought that it was hot steam in contact with the germs that killed them, but in the study you mentioned, the beakers with the tested liquids were sealed with aliminium foil ("with all beakers covered with aluminum foil", from the 'Materials and Methods - pressure cook sterilization' part of the study you mentioned), so it was heat indeed - and not contact - that killed them. Really love people who use studies to back up their claims. Thanks for teaching me something new.

I have two questions:
1) I never used instant Pot, so this may be a silly one: do you pour water into the bottom of the instant pot, and, then, use something to hold your vials above the water? If so, what would this "something" be? (A metal support of some sort, maybe?)

2) people often refer to "loss of potency" regarding exposing gear to high temperatures. What's your take on that?
1) That's right, I put the vials in a pyrex glass container on top of the metal trivet that comes with the Instant Pot. This keeps the vial from soaking in the water.

2) At least for the injectable hormones I've brewed (testosterone C/E/P/base, DHT, estradiol E/V) there seems to be no degrading as indicated by my superior bloodwork results in comparison to UGLs. I am seeing a 10-11x testosterone multiplier from my homebrew, in comparison to 6-8 multipliers from UGL.

The pressure added may actually make the compound sit better as a solution (as indicated by being able to hold high dose brews without solvents), and the choice of "superior" oils which are less inflammatory (sesame, olive) may aid in absorption.
I've had some additional questions in my DMs which I think should be shared here as public knowledge.

One user asked for information regarding female HRT, this is my response:

For replicating healthy female estradiol levels, you should aim for 600-1000pg/mL serum estradiol.

The general multiplier of injected Estradiol Enanthate is about 20x the weekly dose, thus 50mg/week should sustain around 1000pg/mL serum levels.

The exact brew I use for my girlfriend is:
400mg Estradiol Enanthate
8mL Sesame Oil
8IU benzyl alcohol

In vial sterilized in an InstaPot at max temperature and pressure for an hour.

I recommend injecting 50IU twice a week, subQ, with a 29g 1/2" insulin needle into the belly fat or upper butt. Sesame oil is used as it has low irritation injected subQ, and only using 8IU BA keeps irritation down to the point where my girl experiences very mild irritation at injection site which settles in around 24 hours.

For its cancer preventative effects, I also recommend a female to use 100mg/day progesterone, taken rectally (anal).
Another user asked how do keep PIP down with test E, and inquired how to brew Anadrol, this was my response:

Recent batches of Chinese test E raws are inflammatory as manufacturers have tried to use additional enanthic acid to keep the raw liquid at room temp.

Instead I recommend test C raws, with a dose of 200-400mg/mL. You can use any carrier oil that you like, my personal preference is sesame oil because of its little inflammatory response after injection, but it's very thick so keep that in mind when using smaller gauge needles.

For my brews I simply use an InstaPot at max temperature and pressure for an hour, which sustains 118C. This is both for sterilization but also to better dissolve the compound into the carrier oil, which is how I can make brews as high as 300-400mg/mL without solvents that do not crash at room temperature.

As for Anadrol, I don't have experience with it. Actually, the only hormones I've brewed are bioidentical testosterone, DHT, and estradiol for my girlfriend. I also use hCG for myself, but I don't produce it.
I've had some additional questions in my DMs which I think should be shared here as public knowledge.

One user asked for information regarding female HRT, this is my response:

For replicating healthy female estradiol levels, you should aim for 600-1000pg/mL serum estradiol.

The general multiplier of injected Estradiol Enanthate is about 20x the weekly dose, thus 50mg/week should sustain around 1000pg/mL serum levels.

The exact brew I use for my girlfriend is:
400mg Estradiol Enanthate
8mL Sesame Oil
8IU benzyl alcohol

In vial sterilized in an InstaPot at max temperature and pressure for an hour.

I recommend injecting 50IU twice a week, subQ, with a 29g 1/2" insulin needle into the belly fat or upper butt. Sesame oil is used as it has low irritation injected subQ, and only using 8IU BA keeps irritation down to the point where my girl experiences very mild irritation at injection site which settles in around 24 hours.

For its cancer preventative effects, I also recommend a female to use 100mg/day progesterone, taken rectally (anal).
What are the displacements for estradiol? I made some ev and just guessed at the displacement....
How much are you deducing in weight from the powder in ml. For example, test c is .909 to convert from miligrams to ml to factor solution concentration
Ah, I always use a 10% deduction (0.9) no matter the compound. While this may not be exact, weighing error is more likely an impact than the difference in powder displacement.
Ah, I always use a 10% deduction (0.9) no matter the compound. While this may not be exact, weighing error is more likely an impact than the difference in powder displacement.
Thats what i did when i made it but estradiol is more sensitive because it is a lower dose and its measured in ng so i hope we can find the actually displacement deductions at some point
@Jire do you think that's possibile to make TestE at 400mg/ml in mct oil with 1%BA 20% BB?

Maybe i can mix TestE and TestP.... mmmmhhh
Seems to hold even in cold temperatures, 31F outside and neither MCT, grapeseed nor cottonseed crashed after hours of exposure.
Hi Jire, I'm usually a lurker on forums these days but been around the scene for a few decades. Saw your post and caught my interest so thought I'd buy a instant pot and give it a try. Then become a member so I can ask a few questions if that's OK?

Used the same method you outlined, vials in a pyrex glass container on top of the metal trivet that comes with the Instant Pot. Instant pot was run on high (118 deg) for 1hr.

Each 1 of these was combined in a 100ml sealed vial. and powder was calculated with a +5% to compensate potential purity levels of the raws.
Ambient temperature hasn't gotten below 57 deg F (14 deg C) but these all have been stored in a closed room which is usually warmer then outside.

Test P 150 mg/ml
Test P = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 42.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
Finished product = 50ml

Didn't completely dissolve Test P powder. Removed after 1hr and agitated vial then put back into Instant Pot for another 1hr. Fully dissolved. Monitored the following days and day 3 saw the growth of a small test P crystal on the bottom of the vial. Over the next 3 days approx. 1/3 to 1/2 crashed out of solution and seems to have stabilised

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150 mg/ml
NPP = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 42.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
Finished product = 50ml

Completely dissolved after 1hr in Instant Pot. Monitored the following days and day 4 saw the growth of a scattering of NPP crystal on the bottom of the vial. By the following day approx. 1/2 had crashed out of solution and seems to have stabilised (Really interesting the way this one crashed as it formed a "skin" of crystals around the inside layer of glass inside the vial up to the oil level)

Boldenone Acetate 150 mg/ml
Bold Ace = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 37.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
BB = 5ml
Finished product = 50ml

Put into Instant Pot on high for 1hr, Bold Ace did not dissolve properly. Removed and agitated, back into Instant Pot for another 1hr on high. Failed to dissolve (I didn't expect it to, just testing as I had it on hand)

Test E 400mg/ml
Test E = 21.46grms
MCT Oil = 26.81ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
BB = 2.5ml (5%)
Finished product = 50ml

Put into Instant Pot on high for 1hr. Test E dissolved and appears to be stable though it does look like there is a oddness to it when looking through it against a light almost like it hasn't dissolved completely into the MCT oil but its not able to crystalize again

Got to say I was genuinely impressed that the Test P and NPP did dissolve and hold even for a few days.

So, a few questions as I'd like to replicate your outcomes.

1 - What size vials are you cooking in?

2 - Being that you're actually using yours, are you filtering and moving to new vials immediately after cooking (While solution is still warm/hot)? Or allowing it to sit for some time (Say until completely cool), then filtering into new vials?
(Mine is just an experiment at this stage so has sat in the same 100ml vials it was cooked in)

The reason I ask this is to try figure out what I can change to get the same outcome as you. A few issues that might be going on:

A - Leaving mine in the same vial its cooked in might have some microscopic crystal residue left inside the vials that then acts as a seed to grow the other crystals.

B - Depending on when you are filtering, it might be in the early stages of crashing and the filter is catching a certain % and reducing the total mg/ml enough to then stop it crashing further once its transferred to the new vials.

C - Something completely different I'm not seeing yet.

Super interesting process and would love to be able to perfect it!
Hi Jire, I'm usually a lurker on forums these days but been around the scene for a few decades. Saw your post and caught my interest so thought I'd buy a instant pot and give it a try. Then become a member so I can ask a few questions if that's OK?

Used the same method you outlined, vials in a pyrex glass container on top of the metal trivet that comes with the Instant Pot. Instant pot was run on high (118 deg) for 1hr.

Each 1 of these was combined in a 100ml sealed vial. and powder was calculated with a +5% to compensate potential purity levels of the raws.
Ambient temperature hasn't gotten below 57 deg F (14 deg C) but these all have been stored in a closed room which is usually warmer then outside.

Test P 150 mg/ml
Test P = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 42.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
Finished product = 50ml

Didn't completely dissolve Test P powder. Removed after 1hr and agitated vial then put back into Instant Pot for another 1hr. Fully dissolved. Monitored the following days and day 3 saw the growth of a small test P crystal on the bottom of the vial. Over the next 3 days approx. 1/3 to 1/2 crashed out of solution and seems to have stabilised

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150 mg/ml
NPP = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 42.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
Finished product = 50ml

Completely dissolved after 1hr in Instant Pot. Monitored the following days and day 4 saw the growth of a scattering of NPP crystal on the bottom of the vial. By the following day approx. 1/2 had crashed out of solution and seems to have stabilised (Really interesting the way this one crashed as it formed a "skin" of crystals around the inside layer of glass inside the vial up to the oil level)

Boldenone Acetate 150 mg/ml
Bold Ace = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 37.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
BB = 5ml
Finished product = 50ml

Put into Instant Pot on high for 1hr, Bold Ace did not dissolve properly. Removed and agitated, back into Instant Pot for another 1hr on high. Failed to dissolve (I didn't expect it to, just testing as I had it on hand)

Test E 400mg/ml
Test E = 21.46grms
MCT Oil = 26.81ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
BB = 2.5ml (5%)
Finished product = 50ml

Put into Instant Pot on high for 1hr. Test E dissolved and appears to be stable though it does look like there is a oddness to it when looking through it against a light almost like it hasn't dissolved completely into the MCT oil but its not able to crystalize again

Got to say I was genuinely impressed that the Test P and NPP did dissolve and hold even for a few days.

So, a few questions as I'd like to replicate your outcomes.

1 - What size vials are you cooking in?

2 - Being that you're actually using yours, are you filtering and moving to new vials immediately after cooking (While solution is still warm/hot)? Or allowing it to sit for some time (Say until completely cool), then filtering into new vials?
(Mine is just an experiment at this stage so has sat in the same 100ml vials it was cooked in)

The reason I ask this is to try figure out what I can change to get the same outcome as you. A few issues that might be going on:

A - Leaving mine in the same vial its cooked in might have some microscopic crystal residue left inside the vials that then acts as a seed to grow the other crystals.

B - Depending on when you are filtering, it might be in the early stages of crashing and the filter is catching a certain % and reducing the total mg/ml enough to then stop it crashing further once its transferred to the new vials.

C - Something completely different I'm not seeing yet.

Super interesting process and would love to be able to perfect it!
1. I exclusively only use 10mL vials, cheap bulk Chinese ones for cooking, and then sterilized sealed vials to transfer to filtered.

2. The filtering is done immediately after the vials are removed from the pot following sterilization, because of how much faster it will flow through the filter when hot.

Now, what I think makes a big difference here is that as per Lena's guide, I used to violently shake the vials individually while using the Instant Pot saute setting to heat it.. but recently for brews I've been using a hot plate magnetic stirrer to incorporate the compound into the carrier. This makes a huge difference to improve dissolving the harder brews like high dose test P and especially test base and DHT.

The other difference I suspect is my smaller vial size may allow more even and thus higher temperature contact applied to the solution.

Your ideas A/B may also play a part, but as for B, I don't think much if any hormone is removed during filtering, as my blood test results are much better in comparison to UGL and surprisingly even 3rd world pharma (Aburaihan).

Test base and especially DHT are by far the hardest to brew this way and keep from crashing. For them, I pretty much have to keep them on a coffee warmer 24/7 to prevent crashing.

But for high dose test P, I did not have much trouble keeping it from crashing. I think another big difference here could be that I consistently use a coffee mug warmer to heat it each day a few minutes before injection. It does crash slightly after a few days sitting if no heat is applied, but quickly dissolves once back on the mug warmer for a bit.

Thank you for your awesome write-up trying my method and providing feedback! Please let me know if you are able to achieve improved results.
Is this a pressurecooker that will do it?