Seems to hold even in cold temperatures, 31F outside and neither MCT, grapeseed nor cottonseed crashed after hours of exposure.
Hi Jire, I'm usually a lurker on forums these days but been around the scene for a few decades. Saw your post and caught my interest so thought I'd buy a instant pot and give it a try. Then become a member so I can ask a few questions if that's OK?
Used the same method you outlined, vials in a pyrex glass container on top of the metal trivet that comes with the Instant Pot. Instant pot was run on high (118 deg) for 1hr.
Each 1 of these was combined in a 100ml sealed vial. and powder was calculated with a +5% to compensate potential purity levels of the raws.
Ambient temperature hasn't gotten below 57 deg F (14 deg C) but these all have been stored in a closed room which is usually warmer then outside.
Test P 150 mg/ml
Test P = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 42.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
Finished product = 50ml
Didn't completely dissolve Test P powder. Removed after 1hr and agitated vial then put back into Instant Pot for another 1hr. Fully dissolved. Monitored the following days and day 3 saw the growth of a small test P crystal on the bottom of the vial. Over the next 3 days approx. 1/3 to 1/2 crashed out of solution and seems to have stabilised
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150 mg/ml
NPP = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 42.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
Finished product = 50ml
Completely dissolved after 1hr in Instant Pot. Monitored the following days and day 4 saw the growth of a scattering of NPP crystal on the bottom of the vial. By the following day approx. 1/2 had crashed out of solution and seems to have stabilised (Really interesting the way this one crashed as it formed a "skin" of crystals around the inside layer of glass inside the vial up to the oil level)
Boldenone Acetate 150 mg/ml
Bold Ace = 8.05grms
MCT Oil = 37.35ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
BB = 5ml
Finished product = 50ml
Put into Instant Pot on high for 1hr, Bold Ace did not dissolve properly. Removed and agitated, back into Instant Pot for another 1hr on high. Failed to dissolve (I didn't expect it to, just testing as I had it on hand)
Test E 400mg/ml
Test E = 21.46grms
MCT Oil = 26.81ml
BA = 0.45ml (0.9%)
BB = 2.5ml (5%)
Finished product = 50ml
Put into Instant Pot on high for 1hr. Test E dissolved and appears to be stable though it does look like there is a oddness to it when looking through it against a light almost like it hasn't dissolved completely into the MCT oil but its not able to crystalize again
Got to say I was genuinely impressed that the Test P and NPP did dissolve and hold even for a few days.
So, a few questions as I'd like to replicate your outcomes.
1 - What size vials are you cooking in?
2 - Being that you're actually using yours, are you filtering and moving to new vials immediately after cooking (While solution is still warm/hot)? Or allowing it to sit for some time (Say until completely cool), then filtering into new vials?
(Mine is just an experiment at this stage so has sat in the same 100ml vials it was cooked in)
The reason I ask this is to try figure out what I can change to get the same outcome as you. A few issues that might be going on:
A - Leaving mine in the same vial its cooked in might have some microscopic crystal residue left inside the vials that then acts as a seed to grow the other crystals.
B - Depending on when you are filtering, it might be in the early stages of crashing and the filter is catching a certain % and reducing the total mg/ml enough to then stop it crashing further once its transferred to the new vials.
C - Something completely different I'm not seeing yet.
Super interesting process and would love to be able to perfect it!