My f*** cancer cycle.

hows the response to everything been so far after such a hiatus?

Surprisingly great! It's like my body desperately wanted to stack muscle back fast. Honestly growing faster than i.did when I first started lifting right now, it's pretty cool. My.limiting factor is definitely calorie intake right now, my stomach still has catching up to do.

Hows the training changed with the new plan? hows the diet looking?
Less rest, shorter gym sessions, more targeted and isolation of muscle groups on specific days.

Like I said, I added in a light dose of delta-8 THC the last couple days to help appetite, and rounded it off with CBD, CBC, and CBG to kill any buzz from it. It's worked well, I haven't thrown up at least and have managed to hit 3.3kcal both days so far. I just took my dose for this morning for day 3.

I'm definitely leaning more towards raising the test/primo and dropping the anavar for the time being. Idk exactly why, I just feel like it's the better move for now.
3 weeks in. I'm absolutely mind blown with how fast my body is recomping. Between muscle memory and the gear, I'm growing quicker than I have at any other point. Natty newbie gains 13+ years ago or when I first started gear later on. I've put on about 14 pounds so far, which I know a lot is water, but have lost a significant amount of fat as well and look leaner. Still all the fullness and pumped muscles, but definitely leaner.

I'm still way smaller than I used to be, but I'm getting there, faster than I expected.

This is really fun tbh, haha.
3 weeks in. I'm absolutely mind blown with how fast my body is recomping. Between muscle memory and the gear, I'm growing quicker than I have at any other point. Natty newbie gains 13+ years ago or when I first started gear later on. I've put on about 14 pounds so far, which I know a lot is water, but have lost a significant amount of fat as well and look leaner. Still all the fullness and pumped muscles, but definitely leaner.

I'm still way smaller than I used to be, but I'm getting there, faster than I expected.

This is really fun tbh, haha.
Congrats bro welcome back!!!!
Congrats bro welcome back!!!!
Lol, appreciate it brother.

Going in for legs right now. Loaded up on some taurine to prevent calf pumps this go around.

I've got my protocol dialed in and plan on staying here the rest of the way, aside from dropping the var next week then resuming it the last 4.
400 test. 300 primo. 125:100 M, 150:100 W, 125:100F. 27mg var/day (was supposed to me 30mg/ml but tested shy at janoshik)

I got a kit of Mod GRF/Ipamorelin by mistake instead.of the mots c kit I ordered from QSC. Given the relatively low igf spike it causes vs other secretagogues and exo GH, I feel safe going ahead and just running it. It tested at 5.5 Mod GRF and 6.8mg Ipa per vial, gonna run it at 110 mod GRF and ~135 ipa 3x daily. Am, post workout, and bed. I don't expect much out of it but better sleep and recovery would be cool I guess.
I'm glad to see you back having a great time with it. I personally love the heavy/accessory powerlifting routine way better than the bodybuilder isolation split. Results are results though.

I've never heard of ostarine for connective tissue. I'm battling some tendonitis right now. How does it effect your connective tissue?
I read this yesterday, in a newspaper, and thought of you:

This being successful would be an incredible achievement, that could benefit many people who have been in your position.
Let's hope it proves to be effective and that it gets approved.


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