
Hey hey, I made a post a few weeks ago introducing myself and my current cycle going into fall and winter. I figured I would create a proper thread for this though and have it more visible and hopefully create some motivation in the community and continuously learn new things from one another!

Goal is to gain some lean tissue all around with emphasis in Chest, lats, quads, and arms. I'd love to step on a men's physique stage again and just feel extremely comfortable and know I have enough muscle to keep up with the competition.

I'm 5'10, 205lbs and am currently 7 weeks into my offseason consisting of:in
(PED wise) 400mg Test/ 600mg Primo/ 200mg NPP (just added this week) 3.3iu Gh ed/ 500iu Hcg weekly/ and 40mg telmisartan daily ( I have aromasin on hand incase I need to deploy it)

Goal is to keep that as my peak dosage, run it for 16-20 weeks and then cruise.

Began at 350 test/ 300 primo and have titrated up.

- Eating roughly 2800 on off days & 3400 calories on training days
- 10-11k steps/day
- No other cardio at this point
- Training 3 days on 2 days off, 1 day on, 1 day off. . Legs, Push, Pull, off x2, shoulders, off- sometimes ill add an arm day or just spam bi's and triceps after my push/pull- so 4 sessions in a 7 day period (found this the sweet spot for me)

Ill add some pictures from week 1, and then some current one's as of now. Feel free to chime in if you have any questions at all, or might see some things I don't see that might need improvements or suggestions!
Excited to share the journey with you all, and will document this cycle/build week by week.


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Looks like you could use some overall upper leg development...hams, quads, abductors, and glutes. They seem to be lagging compared to your overall upper. To me, your chest, arms, and back width look fine.
Thank you, sir- very much appreciate the feedback! I totally agree and hope I can really bring up these wheels over the next year!
Hey hey, I made a post a few weeks ago introducing myself and my current cycle going into fall and winter. I figured I would create a proper thread for this though and have it more visible and hopefully create some motivation in the community and continuously learn new things from one another!

Goal is to gain some lean tissue all around with emphasis in Chest, lats, quads, and arms. I'd love to step on a men's physique stage again and just feel extremely comfortable and know I have enough muscle to keep up with the competition.

I'm 5'10, 205lbs and am currently 7 weeks into my offseason consisting of:in
(PED wise) 400mg Test/ 600mg Primo/ 200mg NPP (just added this week) 3.3iu Gh ed/ 500iu Hcg weekly/ and 40mg telmisartan daily ( I have aromasin on hand incase I need to deploy it)

Goal is to keep that as my peak dosage, run it for 16-20 weeks and then cruise.

Began at 350 test/ 300 primo and have titrated up.

- Eating roughly 2800 on off days & 3400 calories on training days
- 10-11k steps/day
- No other cardio at this point
- Training 3 days on 2 days off, 1 day on, 1 day off. . Legs, Push, Pull, off x2, shoulders, off- sometimes ill add an arm day or just spam bi's and triceps after my push/pull- so 4 sessions in a 7 day period (found this the sweet spot for me)

Ill add some pictures from week 1, and then some current one's as of now. Feel free to chime in if you have any questions at all, or might see some things I don't see that might need improvements or suggestions!
Excited to share the journey with you all, and will document this cycle/build week by week.
What is your BP that you use telm?
What is your BP that you use telm?
My last push with just 400 test/ 400 npp and .25mg arimidex eod I had it in the high 130's/90's- also high bp runs in my family quite a bit. My bp has been nothing short of excellent this entire push and I feel like the ROI for Telm is more than worth it when pushing any compounds or cycles outside of Trt. I also like the idea of very low dose (5mg) Tadalafil for bp cases.
Are the pics pumped? I’m like 196 lbs and 5’11 and feel like I’d look like a stick compared to you lol. When in the day does the 205 lbs figure come from? I’m on my first cycle of 350 test and just started tapering down to 250 to alleviate my acne and sebhorreic dermatitis (had it before gear, androgens make it way worse but I manage it with vigorous hair care) as I prepare to come off. Really hoping for the best and expecting the worst, and I think I owe it to myself to pct the first time. Any experience with that that you remember OP?
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Are the pics pumped? I’m like 196 lbs and 5’11 and feel like I’d look like a stick compared to you lol. I’m on my first cycle of 350 test and just started tapering down to 250 to alleviate my acne and sebhorreic dermatitis (had it before gear, androgens make it way worse) as I prepare to come off
I feel the same. 5’11” 198lbs currently and feel small af in the morning. Feel and look like 220lbs with a solid pump tho lmao
I feel the same. 5’11” 198lbs currently and feel small af in the morning. Feel and look like 220lbs with a solid pump tho lmao
I don’t even take pics of myself with a recent pump anymore. I care far more how I look in normal clothes with a “residual pump” from a workout within the last 24h at best. I think literally chasing your recently pumped physique creates unrealistic expectations
I don’t even take pics of myself with a recent pump anymore. I care far more how I look in normal clothes with a “residual pump” from a workout within the last 24h at best. I think literally chasing your recently pumped physique creates unrealistic expectations
That’s a good plan. I use my morning weight and photos to track progress. Occasionally I’ll shoot a pumped pic or video to see the difference over time but it’s rare like once every few months. Where as morning pics, I take multiple times per month to track weekly progress
Are the pics pumped? I’m like 196 lbs and 5’11 and feel like I’d look like a stick compared to you lol. When in the day does the 205 lbs figure come from? I’m on my first cycle of 350 test and just started tapering down to 250 to alleviate my acne and sebhorreic dermatitis (had it before gear, androgens make it way worse but I manage it with vigorous hair care) as I prepare to come off. Really hoping for the best and expecting the worst, and I think I owe it to myself to pct the first time. Any experience with that that you remember OP?
Pics are about an hour after I wake up. I take my gh first thing, have some electrolytes and then take my dog on a walk for about 3-4000 steps. Then I take these pics.

Don’t stress it too much, have your pct under control, take some time to check off some health markers and come back even stronger, with even more knowledge and have an even better push next time around!
I feel the same. 5’11” 198lbs currently and feel small af in the morning. Feel and look like 220lbs with a solid pump tho lmao
Yeah, not too sure if things are just working really well or getting really good adequate sleep, but I’ve been waking up pumped, veins bulging and looking like I’ve done 5 sets of lateral raises already lol- i agree though, find it hard to take pumped pics, I’m usually to shakey at gym and the pic looks blurry or by the time I get home from he pump is just not the same anymore.
I love to get all my update photos, an hour after I rise. Take my gh, some electrolytes and get some steps to get fluids and digestion moving around a bit, then I click away! I feel like it’s a more accurate gauge
You look solid. Have you messed with hitting legs twice a week? Feel like it’ll help
Thank you! - yes, last push, last year, I had a solid quad focused day and then another hamstring focused day- but legs blew up and couldn’t fit in any of my pants anymore lol- I was a lot more watery last year but definitely found that to work really well. Might have to implement it again lol- I appreciate the feedback, brother!
Thank you! - yes, last push, last year, I had a solid quad focused day and then another hamstring focused day- but legs blew up and couldn’t fit in any of my pants anymore lol- I was a lot more watery last year but definitely found that to work really well. Might have to implement it again lol- I appreciate the feedback, brother!
That’s how you know the leg training is working lol. My legs vs my waist has made it damn near impossible to find pants that fit unless they’re stretchy
*Coming into week 9 update*

Unfortunately I got the flu during week 7 (cold shivers, night sweats) but was still able to eat my maintenance calories.
Since adding in the Npp, I've felt pretty shitty mentally and for me its not worth it at the dose I was doing anyways, so I will be replacing it with Mast E at 300mg/weekly. Also will be dropping my Primo dose back down to 300mg/week (didn't notice a heck of a lot of difference with 600mg/weekly but thinking I can compensate the total dht compound load with Masteron.

Week 8 has felt awesome though and things are trending upwards again! I feel very strong, very hungry, rest is very good, and this is a good time period where things really begin working!
Here are my currents:

PEDS: 400 Test/ 300 Primo/ 300 Mast E/ 3.3iu Gh/ 500iu Hcg/ 40mg Telm

TRAINING: 3 DAYS ON, 2 DAYS OFF, 1 DAY ON, 1 DAY OFF (Legs, Push, Pull, Off x2, Delts&Arms, Off.

Nutrition: 2700 Calories non training days, 3400 Calories training days (trying to bump this up slowly)

Cardio: 10k steps/day

Any other questions, feel free to ask. or feel free to drop any suggestions!
Cheers, fellas

Pics are in the AM finishing off Week 8.


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*Coming into week 9 update*

Unfortunately I got the flu during week 7 (cold shivers, night sweats) but was still able to eat my maintenance calories.
Since adding in the Npp, I've felt pretty shitty mentally and for me its not worth it at the dose I was doing anyways, so I will be replacing it with Mast E at 300mg/weekly. Also will be dropping my Primo dose back down to 300mg/week (didn't notice a heck of a lot of difference with 600mg/weekly but thinking I can compensate the total dht compound load with Masteron.

Week 8 has felt awesome though and things are trending upwards again! I feel very strong, very hungry, rest is very good, and this is a good time period where things really begin working!
Here are my currents:

PEDS: 400 Test/ 300 Primo/ 300 Mast E/ 3.3iu Gh/ 500iu Hcg/ 40mg Telm

TRAINING: 3 DAYS ON, 2 DAYS OFF, 1 DAY ON, 1 DAY OFF (Legs, Push, Pull, Off x2, Delts&Arms, Off.

Nutrition: 2700 Calories non training days, 3400 Calories training days (trying to bump this up slowly)

Cardio: 10k steps/day

Any other questions, feel free to ask. or feel free to drop any suggestions!
Cheers, fellas

Pics are in the AM finishing off Week 8.
looking thick solid tight
Guy blurs his face leaves the whole family behind! just breaking your balls you look good man. What’s your reasoning for mast and primo together?