Guy blurs his face leaves the whole family behind! just breaking your balls you look good man. What’s your reasoning for mast and primo together?
Lmao! This had me laughing out loud- no kidding eh, throwing em right under the bus lol-
I love a nice dht compound but can’t seem to get myself pinning 6-800 primo every week- I’ve heard from a few top pros to try replacing a 19nor with another dht for my compound, so I’m just giving it a shot and see how it makes me feel and look! Will update weekly with more updates! Thanks for clicking on the thread, brothers!
*Coming into week 9 update*

Unfortunately I got the flu during week 7 (cold shivers, night sweats) but was still able to eat my maintenance calories.
Since adding in the Npp, I've felt pretty shitty mentally and for me its not worth it at the dose I was doing anyways, so I will be replacing it with Mast E at 300mg/weekly. Also will be dropping my Primo dose back down to 300mg/week (didn't notice a heck of a lot of difference with 600mg/weekly but thinking I can compensate the total dht compound load with Masteron.

Week 8 has felt awesome though and things are trending upwards again! I feel very strong, very hungry, rest is very good, and this is a good time period where things really begin working!
Here are my currents:

PEDS: 400 Test/ 300 Primo/ 300 Mast E/ 3.3iu Gh/ 500iu Hcg/ 40mg Telm

TRAINING: 3 DAYS ON, 2 DAYS OFF, 1 DAY ON, 1 DAY OFF (Legs, Push, Pull, Off x2, Delts&Arms, Off.

Nutrition: 2700 Calories non training days, 3400 Calories training days (trying to bump this up slowly)

Cardio: 10k steps/day

Any other questions, feel free to ask. or feel free to drop any suggestions!
Cheers, fellas

Pics are in the AM finishing off Week 8.
Point your toes out a little more.. It will do your quads alot more justice, also try bringing your hips back.

Have you any competitions in mind yet? Looking forward to seeing a prep log my man your looking good.

You must train forearms directly? Looking thick bro they give you a very good look on the upper half.
also high bp runs in my family quite a bit.
I hear that a lot, so please don't take that as an excuse to not do anything about it. If youre taking drugs to grow big at least take some low dose Telmisartan and/or Nebivolol to mitigate the side effects and risks.
I hear that a lot, so please don't take that as an excuse to not do anything about it. If youre taking drugs to grow big at least take some low dose Telmisartan and/or Nebivolol to mitigate the side effects and risks.
Yes sir- have been on 40mg Telm since the beginning of cycle and HR and BP have been outstanding this entire push!
Point your toes out a little more.. It will do your quads alot more justice, also try bringing your hips back.

Have you any competitions in mind yet? Looking forward to seeing a prep log my man your looking good.

You must train forearms directly? Looking thick bro they give you a very good look on the upper half.
Dude, thank you! Literally just tried these queues in the mirror and saw all new lines up my quads lol

Nothing in mind yet show wise- just want to grow at a good rate and feel I can really hold it down when I do decide to get back up there.
Any more posing tips, feel free to send my way lol
Thank you brother, I’m stuck between wanting bigger legs and fitting into normal pants lol- might just have to sacrifice it though
It ain't so bad. They make some pretty nice pants nowadays that look like normal jeans and stretch. Keep up the good work!
It ain't so bad. They make some pretty nice pants nowadays that look like normal jeans and stretch. Keep up the good work!
I know some of my lifter friends have to resort to sweats or baggy jeans and forget about formal or office wear...slacks, dress shirts and jackets are a nightmare!
Thank you! - yes, last push, last year, I had a solid quad focused day and then another hamstring focused day- but legs blew up and couldn’t fit in any of my pants anymore lol- I was a lot more watery last year but definitely found that to work really well. Might have to implement it again lol- I appreciate the feedback, brother!

If you brought those legs and calves up I'd bet you'd be at least 220lbs.

Thank you brother, I’m stuck between wanting bigger legs and fitting into normal pants lol- might just have to sacrifice it though

Wait, you are saying you did have proportional legs to your upper body, and you purposefully shrunk them?

Your upper body is a lot larger than your legs.

Just buy the next size up pants.

Bring up those legs to match. I was puzzling over your upper body development and your your weight of only 205 at 5'10" - 4Drago hit the nail on the head. You need to add meat to your legs. They are a weak point on your physique. I cannot believe that you intentionally shrunk your legs to fit into your too tight jeans.

Are the pics pumped? I’m like 196 lbs and 5’11 and feel like I’d look like a stick compared to you

It always amazes me how every can look so different. Im 5’11.5 but claim 6 because.. well because. But im 225 currently with leaner legs than OP and still have a soft 6 pack if I haven’t binged and I feel he looks bigger than me lol I think proportions matter more than anything.
dress shirts and jackets are a nightmare!

Im not even that big and I recently had a suit and dress shirt made for a wedding and it was wild. Started suuper big for the shoulders and had to take a ton in. Them being shocked made me happy but they thought it was weird lol
Wait, you are saying you did have proportional legs to your upper body, and you purposefully shrunk them?

I just recently did this, for the second time even though I said I’d never do it again. Just trying to get my upper body to grow more lol didn’t work, hopefully I’ll remember this for the future because now I’m just sad.
Wait, you are saying you did have proportional legs to your upper body, and you purposefully shrunk them?

Your upper body is a lot larger than your legs.

Just buy the next size up pants.

Bring up those legs to match. I was puzzling over your upper body development and your your weight of only 205 at 5'10" - 4Drago hit the nail on the head. You need to add meat to your legs. They are a weak point on your physique. I cannot believe that you intentionally shrunk your legs to fit into your too tight jeans.

lolol, I totally hear you brother. Legs have never been really big or comparable to my upper half, but being a fluffy 230 last year they definitely felt bigger lol

It was a lot of different factors- I had a baby last year and took a longer "cruise" than usual to get health markers in check. My legs do retain more muscle than my upper body does, and because of that, I focused more on maintaining somewhat of some upper body development and sacrificed the hit on my legs. I still look funny as hell if I try putting on any sort of "slimmer" jeans lol
Really going to emphasize some upper leg development, glutes and lower back this push, and like you said if I need to start buying a size up, so be it lol
It always amazes me how every can look so different. Im 5’11.5 but claim 6 because.. well because. But im 225 currently with leaner legs than OP and still have a soft 6 pack if I haven’t binged and I feel he looks bigger than me lol I think proportions matter more than anything.

Im not even that big and I recently had a suit and dress shirt made for a wedding and it was wild. Started suuper big for the shoulders and had to take a ton in. Them being shocked made me happy but they thought it was weird lol

I just recently did this, for the second time even though I said I’d never do it again. Just trying to get my upper body to grow more lol didn’t work, hopefully I’ll remember this for the future because now I’m just sad.
Eh. Now that I thought about it, I think a lot of it honestly is also the drugs you’re on and how much your muscles fill with water and glycogen. I did a very baby test dose 350 for 4 months and then tapered down and will come off soon
Eh. Now that I thought about it, I think a lot of it honestly is also the drugs you’re on and how much your muscles fill with water and glycogen. I did a very baby test dose 350 for 4 months and then tapered down and will come off soon
I think the weight has a lot to do with where you carry it. Legs will add a lot of weight to a person. Genetically my legs, calves, and back are my best points in my opinion and they add a lot of weight. My chest and arms are the hardest for me to develop.
Having large arms and a well developed chest will add to the illusion that someone, sometimes, should weigh more.
I currently weigh 253lbs 5' 9", and I swear I shouldn't be over maybe 220lbs. But I got legs and back. Or maybe just cement filled bones lol.