my girl wants to take CYTOMEL(T3) HELP?


New Member
what dosage should she take? I heard you should take 1 tab in morning and 1 in the evening, but how bout a girl?? She just wants to take to help her loose weight with her diet, what dosage would be good for her and how long????? :confused:

Thanking in advance for all those who help ;)
Mine took it, and lost maybe 10lbs off a 4 week cycle.
she took 25mg tabs, and the cycle looked somthin like this.

i dont know what the newst way guys are takin t-3 these days, but this is how we did it a couple years ago.
If she takes it for any long period of time have her get her thyroid levels checked after she is off because women typically have more probllems with their thyroid and using exogenous T-3 could screw up her natural thyroid. But if she keeps it short and the dosage moderate she should be fine. I would not go above 50mcg, but that is just my opinion. When dealing with women(my wife has done several cycles including T-3) I tend to think the doses should be very conservative.
I would have her thyroid checked PRIOR to starting the cycle to make sure her thyroid is functioning normal. And then test again after the cycle. Also, T-3 will eat up muscle as well as fat, so she may want to contemplate running some anabolics with it. And oh yeah, it should be 25 mcg not mg. BIG difference!

women seem to do well on 50mcg(high end). of course. diet and cardio will play a big role in how well the cycle turns out.

my chic has used 75mcg(the most) but has used it maybe once a year for a few years so she knows how she reacts to it.

i believe is was swolecat from the old that once told me that Cytomel(cynomel) was meant to be taken in one dose in the morning.
so if you are using 50mcg. take both tabs together.
Peace Division said:
I would have her thyroid checked PRIOR to starting the cycle to make sure her thyroid is functioning normal. And then test again after the cycle. Also, T-3 will eat up muscle as well as fat, so she may want to contemplate running some anabolics with it. And oh yeah, it should be 25 mcg not mg. BIG difference!

Dude someting to consider, T3 will eat muscle, one of the reasons women have such a tough time loosing weight is becuase they have so little muscle (relatively speaking).

During a comprehensive weight loss regimen one of the things you want to do is increase muscle mass not reduce it. Muscle burns calories at more than 10 times the rate that fat burns calories. More muscle=more calories burned=more fat reduction.

With all that said T3 is safe when used responsibly, while you hear about people messing up their thyroid etc Blah blah blah. In years that I have been into this stuff I have never had anyone report a first hand experience of messing up their thyroid. It is always I read somewhere that etc,etc.

Thats my 2 cents.