My girl would kill me if I put anything of her online and think it was weird if I randomly asked for a picture (Very Conservative nature). I'm a very lucky guy in that she always wants it, so I would not notice sex drive. She's Chinese 29 years old and 5'7" and 155lbs, was 130lbs 2 years ago but she looks less fat at 155 believe it or not. Don't know body fat but it's way lower now despite weight gain... basically she looked like every other asian girl before, very soft and zero muscle but thin.
Far as gains go, she had been stuck in a rut for over a year in terms of strength. She was the weakest girl I ever met when we first started dating, couldn't do any girly pushups couldn't bodyweight squat and struggled to curl 7.5 lbs. She lifted for a year and a half before aas and was stuck with same weights for a long time: 55lbs assisted pullups, 20lb dbell chest press, 12.5lb shoulder press, bodyweight squats, 15lb curls. After 3 cycles over the course of one year first at ten and second at twenty (3rd we didn't make much progress even though we did twenty again) she's benching 50lb dumbells, doing pullups with 10lbs to hold her down, 40lb shoulder press, squat is still ridiculously weak compared to her upper body at 85lbs, deadlift 155 is pretty decent for a girl.
Can't comment on sex drive because she always wanted it before using(lol, I'm actually the one who will say no, I'm tired), but can say sex has definitely improved..prob because she's way hotter than a year ago and a lot more aggressive, which I kinda like. Am thinking too stack an injectable with her oral var and also HGH with her next cycle cuz she wants to gain more muscle still and isn't happy with her latest stall in strength.