my godtropin GH is cloudy

Dude for sure my drugs are legit. I use a domesic source who makes some of the most powerful injectable steroids, I have a hGH source in China from whom I got some Angtropin. I have used hGH before, I used Serostim and Humatrope for three months at a time and I am actually getting better results with generic Chinese hGH. The Chinese obviously have stolen the patent on recombinant DNA technology and using e-coil bacteria that is injected with a pryon which encodes specific genes to create a different substance. Gh is easy producable by a well know once trade secrets and the patent on hGH has expired. So the technology to use Ecoli bacteria which has enormous creative power and we should respect it. I think its because God favors us as we were made in his image and he came to us in ours.
I had same issue. I switched water and was gtg

Yeah once I went back to sterile water everything is OK. I threw out the vial that was cloudy because I know you're not supposed to screw with it. This has happened to me with several brands of bacteriostatic water. I realized that I had been using this 30cc vial for like a month without refrigerating it. That I think allowed bacteria to start growing in it which screwed it up.