My hair transplant log

Getting a hair transplant so gonna log the whole process. A little background info.
33 years old. Been having diffuse thinning for a few years now. Been on minoxidil and derma rolling for 2 years. Did finasteride 1 mg for a year and honestly didn't notice much. Hair kept shedding so I recently came off it.

Here are some current hair pics. 1st one is out of shower semi dries and second is how it looks during the day. As you can see diffuse thinning all over pretty much.

Turkey scares me for transplants. Seen a lot of botched ones and yes they are very cheap but once you leave you can never ask them followup questions or have easy access to see them if problems arise.

So I'm looking at local places. 3 this week. First one was today. Meeting only lasted about 10 minutes. She looked at my hair with a comb and took pics. She stated I would need to do the fue 2 day transplant for a total of 2500 grafts. Total cost is 14k. A little more than I was hoping for haha. The issue is I really don't want to take fin or dut since I don't like blocking dht in the body but seems like without it there would be no use for a transplant so I have to make up my mind.

Have another consultation this Friday so will post updates then.


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Just jump on a plane and go to Turkey man, 14K?? Jeez.. I think you won't need more than 4K including hotel and flight tickets. Unless you're pretty good financially and don't care.
Just jump on a plane and go to Turkey man, 14K?? Jeez.. I think you won't need more than 4K including hotel and flight tickets. Unless you're pretty good financially and don't care.
I just feel like that's super sketchy getting it done there. Theyre basically a bunch of hair mills and just push people in and out. Feel like if your not a social media star a lot of people have been having botched transplants. Even look at Chris bumsteads. Dude has millions of followers and his hairline they did looks awful
Reality is that 90% of the transplants i've seen are just funny, and i'm not talking about turkey only. The hairline they do, you end up looking like a doll..or like wearing a wig or smt. Totally unnatural. You can search on internet and find a legit hair clinic with a certificate, of course they're many uncertified and you need to do your research before going but if you find a real one, just imaging their experience, whole istanbul is crawling with foreigners just done their transplant. It's a big gap dude, i'm in Greece and we're borders with Turkey, i know many guys they went there to save just 2K.. Not 8 or 10.
Reality is that 90% of the transplants i've seen are just funny, and i'm not talking about turkey only. The hairline they do, you end up looking like a doll..or like wearing a wig or smt. Totally unnatural. You can search on internet and find a legit hair clinic with a certificate, of course they're many uncertified and you need to do your research before going but if you find a real one, just imaging their experience, whole istanbul is crawling with foreigners just done their transplant. It's a big gap dude, i'm in Greece and we're borders with Turkey, i know many guys they went there to save just 2K.. Not 8 or 10.
Do you know of any good clinics over there?
Nah, sorry man. I only have one close friend which i could ask him where he went but his result is not so pleasing (for my eyes at least) and i won't recommend. He didn't search it at all, he clicked an ad from Facebook, they send him details and cost and he planned it. Some clinic pics and a couple before-after pics were enough to convince him. I doubt he even checked if that clinic is certified or not.. But i have to say they did all the job with booking a 4 star hotel, flights etc.
Getting a hair transplant so gonna log the whole process. A little background info.
33 years old. Been having diffuse thinning for a few years now. Been on minoxidil and derma rolling for 2 years. Did finasteride 1 mg for a year and honestly didn't notice much. Hair kept shedding so I recently came off it.

Here are some current hair pics. 1st one is out of shower semi dries and second is how it looks during the day. As you can see diffuse thinning all over pretty much.

Turkey scares me for transplants. Seen a lot of botched ones and yes they are very cheap but once you leave you can never ask them followup questions or have easy access to see them if problems arise.

So I'm looking at local places. 3 this week. First one was today. Meeting only lasted about 10 minutes. She looked at my hair with a comb and took pics. She stated I would need to do the fue 2 day transplant for a total of 2500 grafts. Total cost is 14k. A little more than I was hoping for haha. The issue is I really don't want to take fin or dut since I don't like blocking dht in the body but seems like without it there would be no use for a transplant so I have to make up my mind.

Have another consultation this Friday so will post updates then.
Tbh I think a hair transplant would do more harm than good for you. You don't seem to really have any recession, but I obviously can't quite see your hair line from the pics. You've really only got some thinning going on and there could be a multitude of reasons for that, but I would need to know a bit more to evaluate that... Like your diet, what pharmaceuticals or hormones you're on, if any, etc.

If you want, I can also give you an invite to a couple discord servers and we can help you figure out how to get things straightened out, but I definitely wouldn't get a hair transplant in your case.
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Thanks you recommend I stop the fin
Tbh I think a hair transplant would do more harm than good for you. You don't seem to really have any recession, but I obviously can't quite see your hair line from the pics. You've really only got some thinning going on and there could be a multitude of reasons for that, but I would need to know a bit more to evaluate that... Like your diet, what pharmaceuticals or hormones you're on, if any, etc.

If you want, I can also give you an invite to a couple discord servers and we can help you figure out how to get things straightened out, but I definitely wouldn't get a hair transplant in your cas
Yeah youll be fully bald soon though, enjoy
Was using generic fin by some India company and heard a lot of bad things on it. A lot of people saying they regressed on it and then switched and noticed improvement. So I picked up some brand name propecia. Gonna run that with my test and var cycle and see if it helps. If not then I'll drop it
Yeah youll be fully bald soon though, enjoy
Nah, there are other ways to hold onto the hair without using a cuck drug like finasteride. What I've found is that some people tolerate it just fine with little to no sides, but it also doesn't really help their hair that significantly either. People that respond really well to it, like I did, end up getting cucked by sides. I'd rather be bald with a throbbing cock and a brain that still works than have hair if it meant using finasteride tbh. Besides, if things get bad enough and you're fully bald, you can cope with a hair system for awhile. There are some much better treatments in the pipeline that we're going to see available in the next few years.

Anyway you have to give other things a try. There are a lot of things people overlook before just going straight for the fin. Ketoconazole, microneedling, and minoxidil are better choices if you experience sides from fin.
Nah, there are other ways to hold onto the hair without using a cuck drug like finasteride. What I've found is that some people tolerate it just fine with little to no sides, but it also doesn't really help their hair that significantly either. People that respond really well to it, like I did, end up getting cucked by sides. I'd rather be bald with a throbbing cock and a brain that still works than have hair if it meant using finasteride tbh. Besides, if things get bad enough and you're fully bald, you can cope with a hair system for awhile. There are some much better treatments in the pipeline that we're going to see available in the next few years.

Anyway you have to give other things a try. There are a lot of things people overlook before just going straight for the fin. Ketoconazole, microneedling, and minoxidil are better choices if you experience sides from fin.
Nice rant dude, youre a nutjob spreading bad info
Nice rant dude, youre a nutjob spreading bad info
Tell me exactly what bad info I'm spreading? Finasteride is an awful drug for some people and I'd venture to say that almost everyone but a few get sides and either don't notice it until they quit or they do notice and just deal with it anyway because they think they don't have any other options.

I know hundreds of people that have been permanently or semi-permanently maimed by 5AR inhibitors, including myself. Notice that I'm not just blasting everyone that takes fin. There are some people that seem to tolerate it fine and good for them. I'm not going to tell them they shouldn't take it. However, I'm also not going to act like there aren't serious risks and when I see someone demonstrate the hallmarks of those risks, I'm definitely going to recommend they steer clear of finasteride so they don't ruin their life.
he have difuse thinning.
finasteride at the least one year before even consider HT, to see if you recover some hair and to know if he cant handle th side effects, a then decide hair or finasteride.

even with HT most people need finasteride to try maintain better the results, without finasteride is lucky.
Tell me exactly what bad info I'm spreading? Finasteride is an awful drug for some people and I'd venture to say that almost everyone but a few get sides and either don't notice it until they quit or they do notice and just deal with it anyway because they think they don't have any other options.

I know hundreds of people that have been permanently or semi-permanently maimed by 5AR inhibitors, including myself. Notice that I'm not just blasting everyone that takes fin. There are some people that seem to tolerate it fine and good for them. I'm not going to tell them they shouldn't take it. However, I'm also not going to act like there aren't serious risks and when I see someone demonstrate the hallmarks of those risks, I'm definitely going to recommend they steer clear of finasteride so they don't ruin their life.

Without finasteride DHT will continue to damage and ultimate destroy follicles. Finsasteride MUST be the base of any hairloss prevention strategy. Minoxidil is effective but only enhances hair growth and does nothing to prevent the damage of DHT.

Finasteride doesn't cause "damage for life" even if you crash DHT, any more than crashing estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor dose, though it can take a few months to fully recover recover after stopping, and coupled with the nonsense online, psychologically induced erectile dysfunction kicks in.

Even the most sensitive individuals can dodge finasteride side effects by taking just .25mg a day, and still get 90%+ of the benefits. It's an absolute must to prevent and stop hair loss. There is no other way, and again, .25mg is side effect free for the overwhelming majority
If you experience a scalp pain/burning sensation, and you have oily skin and hair, you likely have "hyper seborrhea", ie, excess sebum production.

This is a rarely discussed cause of hairloss, likely because it typically follows the common male pattern balding progression.

What's actually happening is that sebum, produced right next to hair follicles within pores is blocking oxygen intake, the microscopic erector muscles (that make hair "stand up" when frightened) start to spasm and ultimately die, which causes the pain sensation, and hair follicles die as well. Since the follicles in the "male pattern balding" area are already weakened by DHT, they're the first to die.

Sebum glands can be permanently shrunk with a course of accutane. It's well worth considering if you have oily hair and experienced "scalp pain" followed by hairloss. By "oily hair" I mean if you can't go a day without washing your hair because t gets too greasy, that's likely hyper seborreah. Using steroids makes sebum glands grow, causing oily hair/skin, so it's more prevalent among gear users.
I am skeptical of the long term benefits of a hair transplant. Buddy I had a state side HT and the initial results looked really really good. However his hair continued to fall out in the non transplanted area. In reality he should have waited to see how his hair loss proceeded but he jumped the gun and got a HT early. Just something to think about.
I am skeptical of the long term benefits of a hair transplant. Buddy I had a state side HT and the initial results looked really really good. However his hair continued to fall out in the non transplanted area. In reality he should have waited to see how his hair loss proceeded but he jumped the gun and got a HT early. Just something to think about.

Generally later is better, but also, bringing continuing loss to a halt first is an absolute must,

The truth is most guys would be better off preserving their hair before signs of loss, low dose fin and minox would do it, we know what causes MPB; but no one wants to think about it until a huge amount of ground is lost for good. Too many of us tell ourselves "it won't happen" or "I'll just get a transplant" or "I'm ok with bald", when it's all BS, A thick head of hair is a huge asset when it comes to your appearance.