My Intro


New Member
My name is Chris.

I have been looking for community to get involved in to get more information. I've been doing a lot of research on anabolics for the last few years. Back in 2018 I did a test only cycle and it was fantastic, the best drug I've ever done for sure. I love the feeling of being able to hit the gym for 5 hours. I was doing about 500 a week and didn't really have any side effects.
That was the only test cycle I've ever done, as I've never been able to find out how to get reliable test since then.

I've done a couple sarms only cycles, but I'm not a huge fan. I need a test base, the crash from the sarms only cycles were horrible.
I don't plan on being a competitive bodybuilder, I just enjoy working out and being all that I can be and more.
I'm currently natural and have been for the last year, weighing about 225 and 5 ft 11.

Anyways, I look forward to being part of the community and hopefully getting some beneficial information.
What are your weight goals and body far % goals?

Don't let Grey's avatar fool you. He is extremely knowledgeable.

I don't know much yet. Also looking to learn.
Welcome. All I can say is that this forum is the best I've found to ask questions of. My one recommendation would be to not take anything personally, get past the folks just having a little fun at your expense, and find the actual tidbits of usable info for your particular situation.
I think I would like to get back down to 205lbs, and I would like to get to 10-12% bodyfat. I'm not really trying to get a competitive body builder's physique, but if that somehow happens from the work that I put in then that's great. My goals are primarily strength goals. I do BJJ plus some striking and I do alright for how much I weigh. Everything is a hobby, though. Honestly, the tidbits of useable information for my particular situation is how to acquire stuff in the first place. I've been looking around these forums for sources, I think I have a warm and fuzzy. I also see people having mixed experiences with orders, I'm a little wary because I don't want to waste money if I can avoid it.
I've done a lot of research on the actual chemicals and what side effects to expect/how to manage, I'm always interested in learning more.
Again though, I've only ever actually used test(cyp), and done some sarms only cycles.
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The test c experience was fantastic. I was dosing pretty high, closer to 700 per week for 12 weeks. The only side effects I had was some increased acne. Knowing what I know now, I would not dose that high. I plan on going 250-300. The experience was fantastic though, I could go hard at the gym for 5 hours and it felt good. That is the most addictive thing I've ever experienced. Unfortunately I was very ignorant and didn't pct off of it at all. Fortunately, I'm not still paying for it.
From there I've used mk677, lgd4033, rad140, gw50516. Not all at once.
I saw some pretty good gains with my rad140 cycle, but I was shut down totally in the middle of it. I ended up cutting it short, to 6 weeks. That was how I learned I need some kind of test base for SARMs cycles because it turned into a not great experience. I like to run mk677 and gw50516 with anything. Lgd wasn't my favorite, there's definitely better stuff. I did pct off the rad and lgd cycles. My blood work looked decent on the SARMs other than being totally shut down with no estrogen or test and everything to be expected from that, I don't seem to suffer too bad there. I didn't get bloodwork done for the test cycle, ignorance. I need to find a better method of getting bloodwork too,my doctor likes to just argue about me using PEDs
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