Amen brotha! There is truly nothing better in the world than watching your kids grow and develop. I know it's super cliché and not on topic but they really do grow up fast. You definitely want to be present and in the moment so you can soak it all in as much as possible. There's something to be said for a father and daughter relationship too, especially when they're young and you're their hero. My daughter is 21 and we are still very close. I got full custody of her when she was an infant and never looked back. She's currently studying abroad in Italy and she has her choice of grad schools next year, as she seeks a masters degree in Forensic Psych. I'm just a roof contractor. I swing a hammer everyday and here is my little girl traveling the world and going for her masters degree. I like to think this is because despite not ever having her mother present she had a strong and loving father who helped guide her toward becoming the successful young woman she is today. And, it all sort of starts with rolling around on the floor with them, chasing them around the yard, stacking blocks together, tucking them in at night, etc., and just being solid and strong for them.
*anyway, just penny or two on being a dad. Your "I can't afford to be too lazy to chase her around on the floor and playing with her" comment brought back memories of being a young dad with a toddler.
Godspeed, brotha.