My Next Cycle, Thoughts Pls


New Member
Hey guys,

I'd like to get the opinion of some of the vets in the forum, if you would please. I am putting together my next cycle and would like to get some feedback on it. I've only done one cycle, with no past PED use prior, and that was for 16 weeks last January.

My last cycle was as follows (and I'm 5'11):

I began my 16 week prep at 232-lbs and at 20% BF (LBM: ~185), and was able to compete on stage at 193-lbs at 4% BF (LBM: ~185-lbs).

Test E 300mg - Wk (Split twice a week with a 2 week initial start, pre-contest weeks 16-12)
Prop 200mg and TrenA 150mg - Wk (EOD split pre-contest weeks 11-8)
Prop 300mg and TrenA 225mg - Wk (EOD split pre-contest weeks 7-1)
Var 40mg - ED (pre-contest weeks 7-0)

Adex (On Cycle)

Also for weeks 6-0
ECA stack (on weeks off Clen (ED))
Clen started at 60mcg, ended at 120mcg (1week on, 1 week off (ED))
T3 started cycle at 75mcg, ended at 150mcg (ED)

PCT 4 weeks

I went with what I thought was a light and conservative cycle in order to just maintain my LBM while hitting low body fat %s. After having been lifting natural again for 8 months, I am currently sitting at 220-lbs at around 12% BF. My lean mass is roughly 192-lbs. I would like to be a solid 210-215-lbs at 3-4% with the ability to drop pounds to no more than 199-lbs at weigh-ins, and fill back out.

Here is my proposed 16 week cycle:

Weeks 16-12
Prop 100mg EOD
NPP 100mg EOD
Dbol 20mg/0mg/40mg ED (2wks on / 1wk off / 2wks on)

Week 11
Prop 50mg EOD
NPP 75mg EOD
TrenA 100mg EOD

Week 10-7
Prop 50mg EOD
NPP 75mg EOD
TrenA 100mg EOD
Masteron 100mg EOD

Weeks 6-3
Prop 50mg EOD
TrenA 100mg EOD
Masteron 100mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg EOD

Weeks 2-1
Prop 50mg EOD
TrenA 100mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg EOD

Adex on this cycle with Caber on hand

Also for weeks 6-0
ECA stack (on weeks off clen (ED))
Clen started at 60mcg, ended at 120mcg (1week on, 1 week off (ED))
t3 started cycle at 75mcg, ended at 150mcg (ED)

PCT same with Nolva and Clomid

Now I've read that a few weeks on dbol have resulted in some decent gains. I have no experience with dbol, but I was hoping that it would be a great kicker for the first month. I know the short esters will kick in fast, but I thought it would be a good opportunity for a mini lean bulk period.

I know that there is mixed opinions with NPP and Tren being used at the same time, some say it's awesome since they do slightly different things, while other say it's a no no since they are both 19-nor steroids.

Prop levels would be kept lower, but high enough. Just trying to pair it right with the TrenA.

Lastly, I thought that the Masteron and Winstrol combo at the end would be a good polisher.

I'm open to feedback. I've considered the fact as well that this is my second cycle, and I may just be able to get the gains I'm looking for on just a Prop and TrenA only deal again, but at higher doses, with maybe Winstrol thrown in at the end as a polisher. I'd like to see what the consensus is. I'd like to place my order, in the next few days ... but I'd like some reassurance before I pull the trigger.

What do you guys think?

My first initial thoughts are:
-keep the test the same (maybe higher) til the last 6-3 weeks.
-bump the mast to 100Mg/day the last 3 weeks.
-bump the winstrol to 50Mg/day the last 3 weeks.
-Dbol is great for the start of a cut. I never notice any fat loss while on it, but when diet is right it leaves me more ripped after the water comes off. It's a great anti-Cortisol like tren, though nothing like tren.
-my favorite prep cycle is very close to yours.
My first initial thoughts are:
-keep the test the same (maybe higher) til the last 6-3 weeks.
-bump the mast to 100Mg/day the last 3 weeks.
-bump the winstrol to 50Mg/day the last 3 weeks.
-Dbol is great for the start of a cut. I never notice any fat loss while on it, but when diet is right it leaves me more ripped after the water comes off. It's a great anti-Cortisol like tren, though nothing like tren.
-my favorite prep cycle is very close to yours.

Thanks for the feedback. It's great to hear about your exp with Dbol. I wasn't too sure how that might play out, but when I thought about it in the beginning, it was exactly how you explained your experience with it. So that's great to hear!

So you suggest 700mg of Mast and 350mg of Winny a week, pinned ED, for those last 3 weeks. I'll keep that in mind. I played around with pinning ED during my last cycle and it wasn't bad. I had 4 great spots I'd rotate thru. As far as where I place Mast in my cycle, the more I'm thinking about it, the more I think it would be a good idea to bump the Mast up 2 weeks so that I wrap it up a week out.
post a pic .

I'll share a few.

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This was right before I started my first cycle. Never touched any type of drug in my life.

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This was 2 weeks out from ending my first cycle, and 3 weeks out from the day of the show. I was 193-lbs on show day at about 4% BF. Here in this pic I'm probably sitting at around 185-lbs, not sure on BF.

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This is where I am currently. I took this pic earlier in the month. Weight distribution is not all over for me like some lucky people. For me I cary all my fat up in the middle. I recently did hydrostatic testing and am 220-lbs with BF around 12%.

Sorry I didn't throw up any leg pics, but trust me when I say that my legs are one of my strong points and carry a good amount of my LBM with them.
I'll share a few.

View media item 650
This was right before I started my first cycle. Never touched any type of drug in my life.

View media item 651
This was 2 weeks out from ending my first cycle, and 3 weeks out from the day of the show. I was 193-lbs on show day at about 4% BF. Here in this pic I'm probably sitting at around 185-lbs, not sure on BF.

View media item 652
This is where I am currently. I took this pic earlier in the month. Weight distribution is not all over for me like some lucky people. For me I cary all my fat up in the middle. I recently did hydrostatic testing and am 220-lbs with BF around 12%.

Sorry I didn't throw up any leg pics, but trust me when I say that my legs are one of my strong points and carry a good amount of my LBM with them.
You have your media locked in your profile settings.
I don't think their is any need to run tren , mast , and Winnie all at the same time , tren is amazing it will make you hard and cut alone , your putting a lot of stress on you body that is unneeded , plus if your not bald you will be soon, that combo is the worst on hair.
6 compounds in one cycle is overkill simplify .
I don't think their is any need to run tren , mast , and Winnie all at the same time , tren is amazing it will make you hard and cut alone , your putting a lot of stress on you body that is unneeded , plus if your not bald you will be soon, that combo is the worst on hair.
6 compounds in one cycle is overkill simplify .

Thanks for the feedback. I always considered that less is best, but working with some seasoned bodybuilders has caused me to start considering what cocktails make up the "best" formula for contest prep. One of the reasons I joined the forums was to talk with others and get an idea of what they thought, and bring me back to sensibility. I need to place my order soon, so thanks for the reassurance. I plan on cutting my 2nd cycle down. It should also save me some money and the hair on my head, lol :).