My next PCT plan


New Member
Good day,

Towards the end of December, I will have completed the following cycle:

-HGH: 2.7 IU per day for the whole cycle and beyond;

-D-Bol: 30mg per day for 6 weeks;

-Testosterone Enanthate: 250mg x 2 / week for 12 weeks;

I will start my PCT 2 weeks after my last injection and then I'll do the following:

Week 1 Nolvadex 40 mg ED + Clomid 50 mg ED
Week 2 Nolvadex 40 mg ED + Clomid 50 mg ED
Week 3 Nolvadex 20 mg ED + Clomid 25 mg ED
Week 4 Nolvadex 20 mg ED + Clomid 25 mg ED

Do you guys think it's enough? Do you think I should add some HCG in the mix? If so, what protocol do you recommend?
Ok fellas, I have to ask this. Not meant as a hijack.

Isn't hcg suppressive to natural testosterone production? I was/am under the understanding that hcg is to be used during a cycle, specifically longer cycles or periodically for those who are on trt, mostly as a means to help with atrophied/shrunken testicles and(possibly) to help those who one day may want to have kids, but it suppresses the body's natural production.
I see lots of threads about using it during pct which, if I'm correct would be counterproductive. Am I right or way off on this?
Week 1 nolvadex 40 mg ED + clomid 50 mg ED
Week 2 Nolvadex 40 mg ED + Clomid 50 mg ED
Week 3 Nolvadex 20 mg ED + Clomid 25 mg ED
Week 4 Nolvadex 20 mg ED + Clomid 25 mg ED

Do you guys think it's enough? Do you think I should add some hcg in the mix? If so, what protocol do you recommend?

Looks good. Don't mix hcg with your nolva-clomid, it can inhibit it's effects.

If you going to run hcg run it at least 2 weeks before you start your pct. Hcg must be run on cycle NOT as pct. Also, don't forget hcg can increase estrogen levels
Hcg @ 2000iu eod for 10 days between the end of your cycle and the start of your PCT
You can't begin recovery while you are still supressed.

It's not such a small amount of steroids and estrogen in your system that daily large doses of nolva and Clomid can't block the estrogen? It worked perfectly for me to start PCT 2 weeks after last shot and do a 5 week PCT after using enanthate.
Here is the PCT plan I ended up choosing:


-I was able to get it from my doctor so it is pharmaceutical grade.

-First shot to be taken 7 days after my last testosterone shot. I will do 1000 IU eod until the bottle of 10 000 IU is empty. So it should last about 20 days.

Farestos (Toremifene citrate)

-It is a SERM very similar to Novladex. It is not as powerful as Novaldex but apparently it would be less toxic.

-I will start 14 days after my last shot and will follow this protocol:

1st week: 80 mg/day
2nd week: 60 mg/day
3rd week: 60 mg/day
4th week: 60 mg/day

I'll have a blood work done 2 weeks after my PCT is done to see where my natural testosterone is at. I'll report it here.
Here is the PCT plan I ended up choosing:


-I was able to get it from my doctor so it is pharmaceutical grade.

-First shot to be taken 7 days after my last testosterone shot. I will do 1000 IU eod until the bottle of 10 000 IU is empty. So it should last about 20 days.

Farestos (Toremifene citrate)

-It is a SERM very similar to Novladex. It is not as powerful as Novaldex but apparently it would be less toxic.

-I will start 14 days after my last shot and will follow this protocol:

1st week: 80 mg/day
2nd week: 60 mg/day
3rd week: 60 mg/day
4th week: 60 mg/day

I'll have a blood work done 2 weeks after my PCT is done to see where my natural testosterone is at. I'll report it here.
Might want to rethink the timing of starting the ferastos until after you have finished the hcg. Hcg will keep you sepressed, you shouldn't start pct meds while taking hcg
Don't run HCG during PCT. It's completely counter-productive.

You're supposed to run it during your cycle. I'd just save it for next time.
I would run the hcg at 2,000iu eod after you finish your cycle and BEFORE you start pct. This is pretty standard and I've had success with it
Your HCG dosage is literally perfect. You could nbump it to 2,000 iu eod first week then taper to 1000 2nd week

Here is the PCT plan I ended up choosing:


-I was able to get it from my doctor so it is pharmaceutical grade.

-First shot to be taken 7 days after my last testosterone shot. I will do 1000 IU eod until the bottle of 10 000 IU is empty. So it should last about 20 days.

Farestos (Toremifene citrate)

-It is a SERM very similar to Novladex. It is not as powerful as Novaldex but apparently it would be less toxic.

-I will start 14 days after my last shot and will follow this protocol:

1st week: 80 mg/day
2nd week: 60 mg/day
3rd week: 60 mg/day
4th week: 60 mg/day

I'll have a blood work done 2 weeks after my PCT is done to see where my natural testosterone is at. I'll report it here.
Way too many men are confused as to why they are using hCG in the first place. Is it for cosmetic purposes-to maintain full testicles? Or is it to retain motile sperm in order to father children? If it’s neither, my question has to be obvious-why are you even using hCG? And wait to start your pct at 18 days minimum if you’re running test E or C.