My Tren Ace Experience With Blood Work Changes.

Grey Spartan

New Member
Watching YouTube one evening, I saw a video by More Plates More Dates all about Tren. It went on about how guys on Tren were seeking out Transsexual hookers and asking their lady friends to peg the shit out of them. Derick had also stated it was the most powerful steroid around. This had me curious, could there be a steroid that made people bat shit crazy while getting jacked AF?

I was talking with a guy at work about the video and he said he knew a guy he uses all the time. Now this guy doesn't even look like he works out let alone use PEDs. I asked him what he "uses all the time" and it turns out its SARMs and clen. I guess SARMs don't get you jacked. Gave the guy some money for 2 bottles and waited to see what I got. I also told the wife my plan and instructed her "don't buy a strap-on no matter how much I beg".

I received the pretty packages with holograms and English writing even know it said it was from Germany. I did a internet search on the company. Found their website, no pictures and the forums had never heard of them. I did however find Their YouTube page with one comment "your shit is fake AF".

Being a reasonable knuckle dragger, I figured what harm could come from injecting the most bootleg gear known to man. Now, I have never experienced PIP before. Sure, I have had some soreness from a injections but never like this. Literal pain for 3 days and it gets better. Approximately 8 hours after injection I started getting flu like symptoms. that lasted to the next morning. I was injecting 50mg 3 times a week along with my twice weekly 100mg of Test C.

I was telling the wife about my experience and that I was going to ride it out, and she just stood their looking at me with a "I literately married a Neanderthal moron look". The pumps were amazing, the head change was mild and 6 hours after injection I'd pop a benadryl, ibuprofen and acetaminophen to solve the flu issues.

The only changes to my blood work were.
TSH went to .3
HDL went from 52 to 36
RBC improved to 5.38 from 5.78

Sleep went to shit and I woke up with the bed soaking wet. The mental change was like a disconnect. Maybe the sides are from being in my 50s who knows. But, I constantly was being told I looked jacked AF even by my wife who hates to complement me.
I have only ever messed around with Hex so far, and will be running it again next month, but I am not sure I buy into the notion of some that Tren is for contest prep only. Tren is for anyone around here who practices the due diligence to use the compound safely. Or as safely as can be expected given that it’s Tren.

My only major problem on it was sleep. After an extended period of time with shit sleep my brain was turning to mush on me. I think my IQ dropped like 40 points by week 8 from sleep deprivation alone. I have some Trazadone inbound from our friends in India now, so I’ll be locked and loaded for my next cycle.

Problem #2 with Tren for me is food. It’s really difficult to eat enough to hit my numbers because my appetite was so muted.

Do I really need to speak on the strength and intensity gains at the barbell? Probably not. Simply unmatched, and that is really the bottom line and why Tren is what it is.

Anyway thanks for your report on this as I think first hand accounts are valuable, especially for something like Tren that is becoming pretty ubiquitous in this space.
Or as safely as can be expected given that it’s Tren.
Everyone always says how "toxic" Tren is but my blood work showed different. Now, I only took 150mg a week for 13 weeks, so possibly a bigger dose for a longer period could be toxic.

My only major problem on it was sleep. After an extended period of time with shit sleep my brain was turning to mush on me. I think my IQ dropped like 40 points by week 8 from sleep deprivation alone.
This was the exact same for me.
Says who? If your not joking, quit regurgitating nonsense and do your own experimentation and observations.

He often writes this kind of thing, hence my question.
I saw a few of his posts.
His consistency of thought would lead you to believe he trains at a high level.
Whether that is actually the case, who knows (@TUTfan )

I suppose if he is against people jumping onto drugs the minute they join a gym, or against taking too much, too soon, it would be fair enough.
I suppose if he is against people jumping onto drugs the minute they join a gym, or against taking too much, too soon, it would be fair enough.
Agreed. However, this does not seem to be his motivation. If it was, a response like "Tren Ace is a drug specifically designed to beef up cattle not for human consumption" would be more suited than some parroted nonsense like "Tren is only for advanced bodybuilders, pro or top national level"
Agreed. However, this does not seem to be his motivation. If it was, a response like "Tren Ace is a drug specifically designed to beef up cattle not for human consumption" would be more suited than some parroted nonsense like "Tren is only for advanced bodybuilders, pro or top national level"
Only Hex was approved for use in humans. For 17 years too,in France from 1980 to 1997. The frustrating part for me is that since this was an actual pharmaceutical drug then there had to be human clinical trials right? Exhaustive studies in the medical literature? Lab reports? Etc etc.

Why does none of this data exist today? It’s as if all the pharma activity leading up to the drug’s approval and all the subsequent info from approaching 2 decades of filled Parabolan perceptions was simply erased from existence.
Agreed. However, this does not seem to be his motivation. If it was, a response like "Tren Ace is a drug specifically designed to beef up cattle not for human consumption" would be more suited than some parroted nonsense like "Tren is only for advanced bodybuilders, pro or top national level"

Maybe if he elaborates a bit more and explain himself to you, what he means might be a little less simplistic.
Let's see if he comes back to say hi.... :)
I will see you later on.
Tren is... weird.

When I was younger and dosages were retarded, it was the Satan's brew, gave me all the negatives that made any positive seem minuscule. Yeah, it did make me stronger, more aggressive in the gym, but more aggressive outside too, endurance took a vacation, sleep was interrupted way too much, sweating and let's not get into the sexual aggression with the added perversive thoughts that needed to be constraint.
No trannie/pegging shit though, just out of this world sexual aggression (that if they found a woman that was into them, it was fun times all the time)

Tren is classified for advanced users simply because it needs to be handled carefully and one to have the ability to control the mental and physical sides. There are far more advanced PEDs like insulin and DNP though.


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