Nandralone and dick problems


Well-known Member
Im wondering peoples issues with npp/deca and ed. How far into your cycle did issues come up. What dose were you running with. What was your test/nand ratio. Npp and deca w test or ran w tren. Thanks.
I just started.... well added NPP to my trt blast

160mg eod test e a week. 640mg weekl
100mg eod of NPP. 400mg weekly

Started noticing just after 10 days it's definitely alot harder to achieve an orgasm. I'm curious how long does that last after coming off NPP and staying on TRT my self
I think “Deca dick” is individual. I’ve run Deca only, higher test low Deca, and low test higher Deca. I never had a problem. I don’t think there’s a magic formula/ratio.
I just started.... well added NPP to my trt blast

160mg eod test e a week. 640mg weekl
100mg eod of NPP. 400mg weekly

Started noticing just after 10 days it's definitely alot harder to achieve an orgasm. I'm curious how long does that last after coming off NPP and staying on TRT my self
How do your prolactin and estrogen look?
On trt 200mg a week my total E2 sits at 39ng.

I haven't got blood work since I've used it to test 600mg and the npp. I will take .25adex every 7 days since the blast.

I usually get labs ever 3-4 months on self prescribed trt. I told my Dr I use an online clinic and they need labs every 3 months. So I'm a little hesitant to get labs while I'm running 600mg test.
There’s 2 ways it can happen. E2 to high or the strong DHN metabolite in nandrolone. I had dick issues 6 weeks in running 200mg test 600mg nandrolone. I lowered the deca to 400mg and threw 400mg mast in on week 8 and by week 10 I was good again.
Like pretty much every other side effect from the juice some people get it some people don’t so there’s no way to really know. I’ve never had issues at 600-800 deca (what I’m on currently) . Usually like to keep my test a bit higher around 500
Ive just been reading a lot on the dumb thing im doing which is running npp w tren. Ive seen people say amazing things about combining so im dabbling. I didnt have issue w tren even at extreme dosages (my dumb ass ran 1.5g for a week or two, and figured i wasnt sensitive to prolactin or progesterone as i never had any issues at all with getting hard and cumming).

currently, though SERIOUSLY considering dropping the double nor 19, pinning eod. Test and tren are long esters and using npp. 100mg npp. 100 mg tren e 90mg test e (when on tren only got moody when test was higher, also can run 750 test w no estrogen issues, anactdotally that is)

no issues mentally. No weird nipple sensation or lactation. No dick problems getting staying hard. Horny as fuck first thing in the morning. Workouts are amaxing though. Wrapping up week 2 of this trial. Maxing it out at 5 weeks. Might drop the npp sooner and cut my losses cause i am a bit scared of the issues like gyno, ed, lactation blah blah blah. Im dumb.
About 2 weeks in I realized I had no desire to get laid. At 200 test 400 npp. So upped it to 400 test 400 npp. Got horny but the dick was at 50%. Started popping AIs like literal candy and she came back to about 80%.

Took any DAs and it'd go back to nothing
About 2 weeks in I realized I had no desire to get laid. At 200 test 400 npp. So upped it to 400 test 400 npp. Got horny but the dick was at 50%. Started popping AIs like literal candy and she came back to about 80%.

Took any DAs and it'd go back to nothing
You referred to your cock as a she. Just saying. You shouldnt do that. I know its 2021 but.
Definitely individual, and will vary within the same person at different points in their life. The only "majority" rule I've seen is that using a DHT along with the 19-nor will solve the issue most of the time.
Definitely individual, and will vary within the same person at different points in their life. The only "majority" rule I've seen is that using a DHT along with the 19-nor will solve the issue most of the time.
Dbol is considered dating right?
If you refer to your cock as a she it isn’t gay when you jerk off.

protect yourself.
What makes it gay is what sensation you focus on. More concerned with feeing a hand or more concerned with feeing a cock in your hands. Anyways. I jerk off like and adult. With a fleshlight.