Nandralone and dick problems

I'm on 200mg of test cyp a week and started 400mg a week of deca last month and my libido is through the roof now.
I've never had libido issues on 19nors weather my test has been higher or lower whilst using tren or deca.
I'm on 200mg of test cyp a week and started 400mg a week of deca last month and my libido is through the roof now.
I've never had libido issues on 19nors weather my test has been higher or lower whilst using tren or deca.
Tren is the opposite for me to i want to fuck all day and rock hard.
Every decent looking bitch in a 5 mile radius has a sore pussy when im on tren!
But i do use mast with it and low dose caber so maybe that helps
Tren is the opposite for me to i want to fuck all day and rock hard.
Every decent looking bitch in a 5 mile radius has a sore pussy when im on tren!
But i do use mast with it and low dose caber so maybe that helps
Haven't taken tren In years, its the one steroid I do miss the most.
I'm trying to be more sensible with what I use.
Hahaha know the feeling mate, tren turned me into a horny mofo, I never needed to use caber or masteron though along side it.
I'm running a gram of deca only and have zero dick problems, and my orgasms are intense. I have lost the "drive" to fuck everything in sight, but it works when it's time to party. This is because Deca is less androgenic than test, so less aggressiveness and all that, but simlar in anabolic ratio, so muscle gain is just as good, and minus the bloating actually.

The issues with deca only happens when you add test; test is what increases estrogens and the rest of the problems: bloat, gyno, ance, and hairloss; deca alone doesn't. I'd say, drop the test completely and run the NPP higher by itself... you'll see. Yes, it goes against everything you've ever heard, but that's how the old timers ran gear and they weren't bald or had dick issues. Mike Metzner would run 900mg per week of NPP. The golden era basically ran dbol, primo, parabolin, deca; test didn't become a thing till later.

Again, I'm on a gram of deca and have zero sides, literally. That's because Deca converts to estrogren at a much lower rate than test, and enough to keep things normal, Test sky rockets it way above normal and causes issues.
I'm running a gram of deca only and have zero dick problems, and my orgasms are intense. I have lost the "drive" to fuck everything in sight, but it works when it's time to party. This is because Deca is less androgenic than test, so less aggressiveness and all that, but simlar in anabolic ratio, so muscle gain is just as good, and minus the bloating actually.

The issues with deca only happens when you add test; test is what increases estrogens and the rest of the problems: bloat, gyno, ance, and hairloss; deca alone doesn't. I'd say, drop the test completely and run the NPP higher by itself... you'll see. Yes, it goes against everything you've ever heard, but that's how the old timers ran gear and they weren't bald or had dick issues. Mike Metzner would run 900mg per week of NPP. The golden era basically ran dbol, primo, parabolin, deca; test didn't become a thing till later.

Again, I'm on a gram of deca and have zero sides, literally. That's because Deca converts to estrogren at a much lower rate than test, and enough to keep things normal, Test sky rockets it way above normal and causes issues.
I hope you don’t have any issues but bro you were jumping up and down in week 1 that you didn’t have any sides on Deca only. It’s still early in your cycle, as you know Deca is very slow acting. Let’s see how you feel past week 6. Again I hope you don’t have any issues, buts still early.
I hope you don’t have any issues but bro you were jumping up and down in week 1 that you didn’t have any sides on Deca only. It’s still early in your cycle, as you know Deca is very slow acting. Let’s see how you feel past week 6. Again I hope you don’t have any issues, buts still early.
True, but so far so good lol.
Here are a couple links to the DHT levels with undecanoate use. I'm still looking for the comparison one.

19 nors are good shet. Firsr days on NPP high libido. Them you 9inchs cobra sudldently transforms into an gummy worm. Metamorphosis. Happy I was not in "action" with any girl. Tren is the same.

19nors sucks.
I'm running a gram of deca only and have zero dick problems, and my orgasms are intense. I have lost the "drive" to fuck everything in sight, but it works when it's time to party. This is because Deca is less androgenic than test, so less aggressiveness and all that, but simlar in anabolic ratio, so muscle gain is just as good, and minus the bloating actually.

The issues with deca only happens when you add test; test is what increases estrogens and the rest of the problems: bloat, gyno, ance, and hairloss; deca alone doesn't. I'd say, drop the test completely and run the NPP higher by itself... you'll see. Yes, it goes against everything you've ever heard, but that's how the old timers ran gear and they weren't bald or had dick issues. Mike Metzner would run 900mg per week of NPP. The golden era basically ran dbol, primo, parabolin, deca; test didn't become a thing till later.

Again, I'm on a gram of deca and have zero sides, literally. That's because Deca converts to estrogren at a much lower rate than test, and enough to keep things normal, Test sky rockets it way above normal and causes issues.
Hair loss looks like you shave your head so how can measure that and only one week? It’s a long ester.
Hair loss looks like you shave your head so how can measure that and only one week? It’s a long ester.
im bald man lol; I lost my hair long ago, but deca does not conver to DHT, which is what causes hair loss, thus it is considered safe for hair.
I'm running a gram of deca only and have zero dick problems, and my orgasms are intense. I have lost the "drive" to fuck everything in sight, but it works when it's time to party. This is because Deca is less androgenic than test, so less aggressiveness and all that, but simlar in anabolic ratio, so muscle gain is just as good, and minus the bloating actually.

The issues with deca only happens when you add test; test is what increases estrogens and the rest of the problems: bloat, gyno, ance, and hairloss; deca alone doesn't. I'd say, drop the test completely and run the NPP higher by itself... you'll see. Yes, it goes against everything you've ever heard, but that's how the old timers ran gear and they weren't bald or had dick issues. Mike Metzner would run 900mg per week of NPP. The golden era basically ran dbol, primo, parabolin, deca; test didn't become a thing till later.

Again, I'm on a gram of deca and have zero sides, literally. That's because Deca converts to estrogren at a much lower rate than test, and enough to keep things normal, Test sky rockets it way above normal and causes issues.

Interesting theory there brother. I wonder that my base test dose is just too high. I've been reading about low dose test in cycles and think I'm going to try it.