natty cutting progress



I'm currently three weeks into a cutting phase and dropping weight rapidly:

Starting weight: fluctuating between 95 and 96 kg
Current weight after 3 weeks: 90.3 kg

I am completely natural, 27 years old, with testosterone levels in the 800s, and a height of 1.81m. I'm only taking 12 - 16 mg of Salbutamol per day.

My daily calorie intake ranges from 2500 to 2700, with a minimum of 200g of protein, and a roughly even split of 33% for each macronutrient.

I'm following a 5-day workout routine: push, pull, legs, upper body, and arms, with 20 - 30 minutes of LISS cardio after weightlifting sessions (not every day). I also ensure I have 2 full rest days. My weightlifting sessions are intense, focusing on heavy lifts with ample rest periods. I don´t want to evoke hunger.

I'm not experiencing significant hunger or anxiety from my diet, and I'm maintaining strength in basic movements, so I'm not losing strength.

My diet feels like a detox, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and low-calorie dense foods. My stomach feels great, and even my skin is improving.

I'm curious as to why the weight loss is happening so rapidly. Could Salbutamol be playing a role? Should I increase my calorie intake to prevent muscle loss in the future? Or everything is going smoothly (as it feels) and naturally will slow down over time?
Bro what? You’re not natural if you’re taking salbutamol.

Congrats on the loss and keep up the hard work. But you’re not natty lol
ahhh so you’re one of those guys who thinks it’s natural to inject yourself with hormones as long as you don’t do “too much”

Are you on TRT as well?
I am natty, I don't take hormones. I say it in my post, my levels are at 800s. I did in the past though, but right now, I am going with my own hormone levels.
Dude you aren’t natty. Steroids have an effect that last for many years if not your entire life. And taking Sal is not natty either.

Natural doesn’t just mean hormones. You’re taking a drug that helps you cut weight and claiming you’re natty cutting the weight? Is this what tiktok has done to people in 2024?

I’m gonna quit replying. But you’re not natty bud.
what tiktok dude? calm down, I don´t use that.

Alright, I am not natty, honestly, I couldn't care less about that. To me, it's more of a joke than anything else.
Asthma meds often have a stimulant effect causing fat loss.Can't speak for the one mentioned. I have used other in the past such as ephedrine for the same effect.
You guys way over beat the OP up. He asked for help and you just pounded him on and on about a bronchodilator he’s taking while cutting? This is ridiculous.

No one even attempted to help him. I wish I knew more bodybuilding stuff and I would weigh in, but all you guys hammering on him about natty or not versus actually helping is bad for the health of this forum.

I'm currently three weeks into a cutting phase and dropping weight rapidly:

Starting weight: fluctuating between 95 and 96 kg
Current weight after 3 weeks: 90.3 kg
. . .
I'm curious as to why the weight loss is happening so rapidly. Could Salbutamol be playing a role? Should I increase my calorie intake to prevent muscle loss in the future? Or everything is going smoothly (as it feels) and naturally will slow down over time?

You are at the beginning. You are three weeks in. You dropped 10 pounds. At the beginning, the first 8-10 pounds are water weight that go away with the glycogen, which is like a sponge that holds twice its weight in water.

NOW you are going to be cutting fat and so on until your cut is complete.

Lots of guys drop water, 10 pounds, then declare a successful cut, then add 10 pounds of water, and they think they lost 10 pounds of fat and gained ten pounds of muscle. They do this over and over again and wonder why they look the same three years later as they did three years ago, even though they "cut" and "bulked." They did neither. All they did was get rid of water and soak it back up.

Keep at it. Don't change anything right now. Just keep progressing. If I had any comment to make it would be to increase your protein some and consider separating your cardio from your weightlifting if you can schedule it that way.

You are at the beginning. You are three weeks in. You dropped 10 pounds. At the beginning, the first 8-10 pounds are water weight that go away with the glycogen, which is like a sponge that holds twice its weight in water.

NOW you are going to be cutting fat and so on until your cut is complete.

Lots of guys drop water, 10 pounds, then declare a successful cut, then add 10 pounds of water, and they think they lost 10 pounds of fat and gained ten pounds of muscle. They do this over and over again and wonder why they look the same three years later as they did three years ago, even though they "cut" and "bulked." They did neither. All they did was get rid of water and soak it back up.

Keep at it. Don't change anything right now. Just keep progressing. If I had any comment to make it would be to increase your protein some and consider separating your cardio from your weightlifting if you can schedule it that way.
Oh my, this is gold right here. I’ve totally done this in my own life. I never thought it was the water weight dropping fast though.

This makes a lot of sense because when you cut you typically restrict calories and that restriction typically comes from carbs. So with less carbs you let go of water weight. Thanks for sharing this.
Also depends on your body fat % the higher it is the faster you're able to lose weight. Once you hit legit 15% things will slow down and quite significantly once you approach 12%. Also depends on genetics and natural set point.
I keep going. I am down 26 lbs since the beginning and still not really lean.

This is a long journey. I expect to be at 10 - 14% BF before christmas.
I keep going. I am down 26 lbs since the beginning and still not really lean.

This is a long journey. I expect to be at 10 - 14% BF before christmas.
I hope you took before photos. Take some every once in a while so you have them to compare and can see the progress.

The mirror can lie.

Seeing yourself on photos you can definitely tell what is going on with your physique.
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I keep going. I am down 26 lbs since the beginning and still not really lean.

This is a long journey. I expect to be at 10 - 14% BF before christmas.

im with the same numbers... after 3 months of bulking starting from this very weight i sit right now and then cutting through 3 months, I now look completely different after months of high test, dbol and var...

but still a fat fuck xD
we just too fat, bro
I am natty, I don't take hormones. I say it in my post, my levels are at 800s. I did in the past though, but right now, I am going with my own hormone levels.
Ignore the idiots, you are natty. Someone saying taking Salbutamol deletes your natty card is the type of person who would say getting a hand job takes your virginity away.

Also steroids taken years ago have no effect on you, thats like saying the aspirin I took three years ago is still helping with my headache.