Need help - Ed issues post cycle


New Member
I'm 21 (I know... Too young to cycle) and it was my first cycle.
I made a post similar to this 2 months ago. so I ran a cycle of 500mg test e every week for 12 weeks and it ended last year in late April/early May, I wasn't running an AI at the time. Bad timing occurred and I ended up not bringing enough clomid to my Europe trip. A did a late pct when I got back from Europe a probably a month after last inject. I thought the clomid would have slowly brought my test back to life but it didn't, and although my balls got a little bigger they didn't stay that way after the 4 week pct. my errections started dying off probably a little over half way through the cycle - which I think is mainly due to the high amount of estrogen levels that occurred since I wasn't running an AI. Anyways, after my 4 week delayed pct my balls returned small again. And before the pct my erections were non existent. A couple months goes by and I try to let my body normalize on its own. Not a whole lot of progress was made so I jumped on a short 3 week pct and again my balls got bigger. I was doing 100mg clomid the first 3 days then 50 for a week then tapered down to 25 and eventually 12.5 for the last 4 days. I noticed that my balls got big, and after I stopped the clomid I made some progress and can now get an erection. It's a weak erection compared to what I'm use to and is challenging to maintain though. I stopped the clomid protocol probably 2 weeks ago. I think total I've been off of AAS is between 6.5-8 months. I thought my body would have normalized and although my balls are bigger than when I first had testicular atrophy they don't seem even close back to their normal size. I transferred schools and due to the change and other stuff going on including the ED I got depressed and stopped lifting for 2.5 months during this time and put on like 10-15 lbs of weight which could also contribute some to the problems I'm facing. I know that you guys are gonna say "bloods" and that I was too young to do something like that. I know I was.. I jacked off today and have managed to jack off 2 times a day normally but get weak erections. When I came, it was like 3 drops of cum. I just feel extremely shut down still and am wondering if anyone has any idea why this could be? Do you think this is permanent and I'll have to go on trt at the age of 21? Me personally I think it's mostly due to high estrogen levels still.. I'm sick and tired of feeling like this so I'm finally coming out and I have an appointment tomorrow at 8:30am to get my bloods checked to see what the issue is in detail. Some morning I get morning wood and some mornings I don't.. And when I do, again it's a weak erection. I just wanna have a decent sex drive with an erection I can maintain because I won't be able to get married ever like this.
AAS is a roll of the dice brother. Some people can't recover fully after there first cycle, while others have no problem. I would bet stressing about the issue isn't helping. Try not to get to worked up. When your bloodwork comes in post it up. I know you said everyone will say "bloods" but that's because it's basically a blueprint of what is going on in the inside. It could be something really simple..... Did you use HCG? Might even be a negitive response to LH and LSH. You already noticed your bollocks ain't full size. But again.... That's a guess at best.

I am gonna be the first guy to say bloods bloods bloods.

And your a dick for not having enough PCT to begin with ;)
I don't even care if I recover fully at this point tbh. I just don't want to feel completely shut down. I don't care if I only get horny once a day or once every 2 days as long as the erection is hard and can be maintained. And hopefully my bloods gives me something to go off of so I'm not just blindly guessing and trying to self medicate myself which can make things worse. I'll tell you something though... When using clomid at 100mg my balls were huge but erection went away completely. When downing the dose to 50mg my erections started coming back. When down to 25mg it got better then I did 12.5mg for the last 4 days which gave me the best results. I honestly might have to agree with you as far as me responding negatively to LH from the clomid. It can be a number of things and I really do hope it's an easy fix and you guys can steer me in the right direction because I'll be honest idk wtf I'm doing when it comes to recovering my body and the science behind it. Can I ask you a favor tho? Can you come back to this thread in about a week? I'll have bloods posted by then and if no one responds I'll make a new post with bloods. Thanks for input and comfort saying I still have a living chance... Lol
Just quote me on this thread when you have bloods and I will do my best to help you.

Don't worry. I have been where you are. Felt pretty much the same way. After bloodwork I used HCG and clomid (proviron for libido) and I was feeling normal again and everything was brought back into range.

*that was based on my bloodwork* lets see how your bloods come in and we can help further.... Don't do anything for now.
Thanks so much man... Like idk how I can express how grateful I am.. I've been embarrassed about this and couldn't open up to anyone about it because they wouldn't understand. I post on here and finally someone understands. But just curious how do I "quote" you when I get bloods in? Do I have to add you to my contacts on here?
I am currently experiencing the exact same stuff mate, i have put a thread up today on the steroid forum section too about being completely shut down! its hard mate and i think with the kind responses i have received on here these guys will steer us in the right direction. keep positive my man.
I am currently experiencing the exact same stuff mate, i have put a thread up today on the steroid forum section too about being completely shut down! its hard mate and i think with the kind responses i have received on here these guys will steer us in the right direction. keep positive my man.
Have u guys tried yohimbe? check it out. Might be something u would be interested in. I was experiencing similar symptoms and haven't been having a problem since. It also has many uses. I'm not sure what it does for actual test levels though FYI
I'm 21 (I know... Too young to cycle) and it was my first cycle.
I made a post similar to this 2 months ago. so I ran a cycle of 500mg test e every week for 12 weeks and it ended last year in late April/early May, I wasn't running an AI at the time. Bad timing occurred and I ended up not bringing enough clomid to my Europe trip. A did a late pct when I got back from Europe a probably a month after last inject. I thought the clomid would have slowly brought my test back to life but it didn't, and although my balls got a little bigger they didn't stay that way after the 4 week pct. my errections started dying off probably a little over half way through the cycle - which I think is mainly due to the high amount of estrogen levels that occurred since I wasn't running an AI. Anyways, after my 4 week delayed pct my balls returned small again. And before the pct my erections were non existent. A couple months goes by and I try to let my body normalize on its own. Not a whole lot of progress was made so I jumped on a short 3 week pct and again my balls got bigger. I was doing 100mg clomid the first 3 days then 50 for a week then tapered down to 25 and eventually 12.5 for the last 4 days. I noticed that my balls got big, and after I stopped the clomid I made some progress and can now get an erection. It's a weak erection compared to what I'm use to and is challenging to maintain though. I stopped the clomid protocol probably 2 weeks ago. I think total I've been off of AAS is between 6.5-8 months. I thought my body would have normalized and although my balls are bigger than when I first had testicular atrophy they don't seem even close back to their normal size. I transferred schools and due to the change and other stuff going on including the ED I got depressed and stopped lifting for 2.5 months during this time and put on like 10-15 lbs of weight which could also contribute some to the problems I'm facing. I know that you guys are gonna say "bloods" and that I was too young to do something like that. I know I was.. I jacked off today and have managed to jack off 2 times a day normally but get weak erections. When I came, it was like 3 drops of cum. I just feel extremely shut down still and am wondering if anyone has any idea why this could be? Do you think this is permanent and I'll have to go on trt at the age of 21? Me personally I think it's mostly due to high estrogen levels still.. I'm sick and tired of feeling like this so I'm finally coming out and I have an appointment tomorrow at 8:30am to get my bloods checked to see what the issue is in detail. Some morning I get morning wood and some mornings I don't.. And when I do, again it's a weak erection. I just wanna have a decent sex drive with an erection I can maintain because I won't be able to get married ever like this.

Hello hello hello stop all the conjecture about; TRT, erections, stopped lifting, jacked off, depression, balls, marriage, weight gain, and post some labs for Gods sake!

Not that "labs" would change anything bc some folk should NEVER CYCLE and based on this thread alone YOURE ONE OF THEM, as the multitude of issues raised have absolutely NOTHING to do with AAS, PCT, BALLS or ERECTIONS!
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Have u guys tried yohimbe? check it out. Might be something u would be interested in. I was experiencing similar symptoms and haven't been having a problem since. It also has many uses. I'm not sure what it does for actual test levels though FYI

Hi mate I have not heard of that what does it do and is it counter productive to recovery? Thank you
I had an appointment and got labs yesterday morning. They called this morning and said everything looks fine, but my white blood count is low. I should get labs mailed to my address within 3-5 days so we can see in detail what you guys think the problem is... Her saying everything is fine tho makes me think it's mainly mental and she wants to try to put me on anti depressant
Yes, I told her I'm gonna wait on that for now. She wants to see me again and scheduled an appointment feb 19th for blood work again to see if anything changes. I'll keep you guy updated once bloods come in. Thanks for input and support
Bro, you'll need blood work that has Testosterone and Estrogen levels. What you got is only a CBC.. Doesn't really do much to help solved your problems. But I highly recommend you seek the help from a Dr. This should be a lesson to all the young guys out there.. Not everyone comes out looking like Hercules and fuck like Zeus.. good luck!