need help!pct for trenbolone test prop cycle

umair khan

New Member
i just finished tren ace 400mg/week and test prop 300mg/week for 8 weeks i wondering how to do pct for tren base cycle .?iwant to resotre my hpta as soon as possible . plz help
i just finished tren ace 400mg/week and test prop 300mg/week for 8 weeks i wondering how to do pct for tren base cycle .?iwant to resotre my hpta as soon as possible . plz help
Ok, I'll save you the roasting because you seem paniced. Do you have clomid and Nolvadex on hand? And when did you stop injecting?
You should of had pct planned out before injection. Common sense. You will learn something from crashing if it's too late
Actually bill Robert's wrote about that saying it's not as bad if you run an 8 week cycle instead

I get what you are saying, just I mean you never did a cycle before build up to tren startthe smaller stuff first till you are at a point that tren is the next step but that is just my mentality.
Why would anybody start the first cycle with tren

Oh no these guys are NOT cycling
AAS bc that involves rhyme, reason and responsibility.

See the OP in this instance is

Of course I liken that to experimental driving by a ten year old, shits bound to happen!

For the answer to your question, try the Meso home page or do what should have done BEFORE you started to "experiment", and read this thread until you UNDERSTAND its contents.
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Actually bill Robert's wrote about that saying it's not as bad if you run an 8 week cycle instead

It's difficult to say if one AAS is "preferred" over another AAS for first time cyclist providing such individuals possess the requisite fund of knowledge and are receiving the appropriate guidance by someone more experienced.

With that in mind, Tren is just NOT an optimal first timer selection for most Meso noobs bc FEW meet either of the above criteria.

The OP is just one classic example of what I'm referring to.

Tren is NOT like many other AAS and has a higher adverse event rate than most other parenteral AAS.

In addition since the adverse effects of AAS are generally cumulative, while a reduction in the cycle length may also decrease said complications, it will quite likely, limit the anabolic interval and reduce one gains on a proportional basis.
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It's difficult to say if one AAS is "preferred" over another AAS for first time cyclist providing such individuals possess the requisite fund of knowledge and are receiving the appropriate guidance by someone more experienced.

With that in mind, Tren is just NOT an optimal first timer selection for most Meso noobs bc FEW meet either of the above criteria.

The OP is just one classic example of what I'm referring to.

Tren is NOT like many other AAS and has a higher adverse event rate than most other parenteral AAS.

In addition since the adverse effects of AAS are generally cumulative, while a reduction in the cycle length may also decrease said complications, it will quite likely, limit the anabolic interval and reduce one gains on a proportional basis.
Very well put