Neo Anabolics (US DOMESTIC)


Greetings people of Meso!

Firstly, I with great gratitude want to thank the members of Meso for allowing me to post my lab here. Sources are nothing without you guys. Thank you. The name of my lab is Neo Anabolics. You guys may call me Neo. I am a very small domestic lab in USA. My selection is limited currently, as I am not a behemoth of a lab, nor do I wish to be. I rather gear my energy towards constant quality products. With time and funds I will be expanding my line to a full selection of anabolic products. For the ones curious I have never sourced before. I stand behind the quality of my products with integrity, I am here to serve the community.

Depending on task I use tails or whonix. I DO NOT GIVE OUT TRACKING. If no order in 10 days please reach out. Your information is never saved. Not good for you or for me. PLEASE NO post of TD pictures with packaging materials in the background. PLEASE NO mentioning where I ship from. PGP encryption is available. I encourage everyone use it. Your security and mines comes before anything.

I strive to test ANY product before it is in your hands. Productions shall be compartmentalized in batches on vials and oral containers. My goal is for product to be near perfect to advertised dosage on labels. PLEASE also test your own products and post them. You are inclined to do as such. Moving forward all raws will be tested as well.



Work bench is sprayed with 70% isopropyl alcohol and wiped. Glassware is washed with soap followed by a rinse of DI water. Media bottles get caps loosely put on then put into autoclave. Graduated cylinders, Beakers get covered and placed into autoclave. Bottle top dispenser also gets put in autoclave. Space is left between items for steam circulation. Various cycles are ran because not everything fits together. Vials and stoppers get separate cycles.


Beaker is placed onto hot plate to heat. USP MCT oil is added to beaker followed by desired powder after is has been weighed with accuracy. After few minutes have lapsed, Benzyl Benzoate USP is added to solution after being measured with graduated cylinder. Then Benzyl Alcohol USP is added to solution after being measured with graduated cylinder. Watch temperature of solution to prevent it from getting excessively hot. Once crystal clear solution consistency is achieved it is time to filter. 0.2 um Bottle top filter is removed from bag and placed on top of media bottle, filtration process is started. Bottle top dispenser is then inserted into media bottle and dispensing begins. After bottle is filled stopper gets put on and is crimped. VIALS FILLED WITH 12ML

I fill the body of a size 0 capsule with baking soda, then empty onto tared scale to find how much fits into capsule say .40g of baking soda. Then multiply (.40g x 100 caps = 40g) . For example 10mg anavar capsules (100 caps x 10mg=10g). Now, subtract 10g from filler weight which was 40g. You now have 30g of filler and 10g of anavar. Giving you 100 capsules at 10mg. Now mixing powders to give homogeneous mixture. Add 10g of baking and 10g of anavar into pestle and mortar and begin process of geometric dilution, continue to add powder in even amounts until desired amounts are reached. Then pour mix into a fine mesh sifter into container, then transfer to capsule filling machine.






I fill the body of a size 0 capsule with baking soda, then empty onto tared scale to find how much fits into capsule say .40g of baking soda. Then multiply (.40g x 100 caps = 40g) . For example 10mg anavar capsules (100 caps x 10mg=10g). Now, subtract 10g from filler weight which was 40g. You now have 30g of filler and 10g of anavar. Giving you 100 capsules at 10mg.
You math isn't good at all.
"PLEASE also test your own products and post them. You are inclined to do as such. Moving forward all raws will be tested as well."

im not the best at language arts but this doesn't make sense. dont tell me what my inclinations are lol
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I would also like to have seen initial testing in the thread. Or at least a link to the testing thread. I guess it just shows initiative to the importance of having testing imo.
You math isn't good at all.
Weigh empty capsule. Fill body with baking soda. Weigh filled capsule.

empty cap = 100mg
cap with baking soda = 880mg

880mg-100mg=780mg baking soda

empty cap = 100mg
cap with dbol = 340mg

340mg-100mg=240mg dbol

780mg filler density
240mg active density

25mg dbol=unknown mg filler
240mg dbol=780mg filler

25mg dbol x 780mg filler=240mg dbol x unknown mg filler

(25mg dbol x 780mg filler) / 240mg dbol = unknown mg filler

unknown mg filler=81.3mg

780mg filler-81.3mg=699mg filler per cap

For every cap. 25mg dbol and 699mg filler.
For 100 caps multiply each by 100.

Perhaps this is easier to understand.
Weigh empty capsule. Fill body with baking soda. Weigh filled capsule.

empty cap = 100mg
cap with baking soda = 880mg

880mg-100mg=780mg baking soda

empty cap = 100mg
cap with dbol = 340mg

340mg-100mg=240mg dbol

780mg filler density
240mg active density

25mg dbol=unknown mg filler
240mg dbol=780mg filler

25mg dbol x 780mg filler=240mg dbol x unknown mg filler

(25mg dbol x 780mg filler) / 240mg dbol = unknown mg filler

unknown mg filler=81.3mg

780mg filler-81.3mg=699mg filler per cap

For every cap. 25mg dbol and 699mg filler.
For 100 caps multiply each by 100.

Perhaps this is easier to understand.
Yeah 2,5g of dbol per 100caps is ok. 10g of anavar per 100caps isn't.