Nerve/bone pain from Masteron

Lord Commander

New Member
I'm on a custom cycle while at the end of me and my wife's fertility treatments. I'm taking 500IU of HCG( I have secondary hypogonadism so i'm taking it until the grave) every 48 hours, 100mg of Masteron/week and 75mg of Test E/week+3IU HGH/daily +20mg Telmisartan. The Masteron works really well for reducing the water retention but i'm getting some joint and nerve pain on the day before my next HCG injection. I already brought the dose down from 125mg a week. However i do have some high E2 symptoms randomly pop up like being a little overly emotional. Very tolerable symptoms though. Problem is i can't do any jogging because my ankles have pain from the running. Leg pain is also a listed side effect of Telmisartan so maybe it could be from that. Am i better off switching Masteron to Anastrozole for the E2 control and fertility benefits? Anyway right now i'm taking a little break from Telmisartan to see if these side effects are coming from it rather than the Masteron.
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Have you done actual bloodwork to check your E2 levels or is it just a feeling?

For joints it might be worth introducing Deca/NPP at 50mg/Weekly by cutting down other AAS slightly
Have you done actual bloodwork to check your E2 levels or is it just a feeling?

For joints it might be worth introducing Deca/NPP at 50mg/Weekly by cutting down other AAS slightly
My E2 is highish just from HCG alone checked at last doctors appointment.
There is really no way to know without removing one compound at a time but even then, did the pain go away do to the removal or did it just go away?
High e2 sumptoms with 125 mg of test .omg i cant imagine that.i dont control e2 at all.only when i go above 750mg of test
It's from the HCG. 500IU of HCG every 48 hours makes me quite watery and i become a little overemotional. Nothing major of course but with the test added it's a little bit too much.
Would this cycle sound reasonable?

Test E @ 125mg a week
Masteron/Primo @ 150mg a week(Anastrozole is possible too at .5mg EOD)
Deca @ 200mg a week

Deca might be too high. I don't know and have no experience with it. Many say you can use a higher dose of it than test as long as you have E2 levels controlled. I suppose the Masteron would counter the libido reducing effects quite well. Anyway if this sounds reasonable i would go with this. After a few weeks i would draw bloods to see where my levels are. Is this dumb or not? :D
First Masteron doesn’t reduce E2 it hides the high E2 symptoms Primo will definitely do.
So if you wanna go test,mast and HCG you will definitely need adex at 0.5 EOD
Deca is not bad at 200 mg but I will use NPP at 150mg instead fast act, leave body faster
There is really no way to know without removing one compound at a time but even then, did the pain go away do to the removal or did it just go away?
My next injection is due tuesday so i guess i should know by the end of next week. I'm starting to feel pretty sure its the Masteron but we will see...
First Masteron doesn’t reduce E2 it hides the high E2 symptoms Primo will definitely do.
So if you wanna go test,mast and HCG you will definitely need adex at 0.5 EOD
Deca is not bad at 200 mg but I will use NPP at 150mg instead fast act, leave body faster
How often do you dose the NPP at? Are you saying that with Primo i would not need the Adex at all? At this point i would probably go for either Adex or Primo standalone. Just gotta figure which one suits me better.
How often do you dose the NPP at? Are you saying that with Primo i would not need the Adex at all? At this point i would probably go for either Adex or Primo standalone. Just gotta figure which one suits me better.

NPP Starting with 200 mg per week, divided every other day (EOD), will yield good results. Primo will definitely help keep your E2 in range; however, you need to do regular bloodwork to find your optimal dose
How often do you dose the NPP at? Are you saying that with Primo i would not need the Adex at all? At this point i would probably go for either Adex or Primo standalone. Just gotta figure which one suits me better.

NPP Starting with 200 mg per week, divided every other day (EOD), will yield good results. Primo will definitely help keep your E2 in range; however, you need to do regular bloodwork to find your optimal dose

These are a lot of good ideas but it's gonna require a lot of bloodwork (weekly?) and taking good notes to be able to accurately guess cause/effect.
NPP Starting with 200 mg per week, divided every other day (EOD), will yield good results. Primo will definitely help keep your E2 in range; however, you need to do regular bloodwork to find your optimal dose
Do you think i should divide the 75-100mg dose of test into 2 doses E3-3,5D and do the same with Primo too?