
Hi friends!

Figured I'd finally start contributing more to this industry and hopefully meet some more cool, like minded people on the way!

I'm a 33 year old, Canadian guy born and raised. Have been lifting for the better part of half my life, with obvious breaks and perspective focuses in between. But lately in the past 2 years I have fallen back in love with bodybuilding and am so happy to have this discipline and purpose back in my life!

I'm 5'10, 205lbs and am currently 5 weeks into my offseason consisting of (PED wise) 500mg test/ 400mg primo/ 3.3iu gh ed and 40mg telmisartan

Eating roughly 2800-3400 calories
10-11k steps/day
Training 3 days on 2 days off. Legs, Push, Pull- sometimes ill add an arm day or just spam bi's and triceps after my push/pull

I've done 6 cycles in the past and have competed in the Mens physique division on 4 different occasions. Nothing crazy but getting older now, and I don't want any regrets and I feel like its a great time to give this passion another shot! I will post some pics from week 1 and show you all how things are going right now and will try to update weekly and will provide as much info and answer any questions you guys might have . Im planning on adding 100-200mg of NPP this coming week...

Happy to be part of a great community and happy to hear from you guys ✌️


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Hey man, good stuff, finally someone I can relate to eating moderate amount of calories as other dudes have fast metabolism lol.

Anyway, solid build, like a bull. Welcome and please don't shy away from posting while sharing knowledge and learning something new yourself!
Hi friends!

Figured I'd finally start contributing more to this industry and hopefully meet some more cool, like minded people on the way!

I'm a 33 year old, Canadian guy born and raised. Have been lifting for the better part of half my life, with obvious breaks and perspective focuses in between. But lately in the past 2 years I have fallen back in love with bodybuilding and am so happy to have this discipline and purpose back in my life!

I'm 5'10, 205lbs and am currently 5 weeks into my offseason consisting of (PED wise) 500mg test/ 400mg primo/ 3.3iu gh ed and 40mg telmisartan

Eating roughly 2800-3400 calories
10-11k steps/day
Training 3 days on 2 days off. Legs, Push, Pull- sometimes ill add an arm day or just spam bi's and triceps after my push/pull

I've done 6 cycles in the past and have competed in the Mens physique division on 4 different occasions. Nothing crazy but getting older now, and I don't want any regrets and I feel like its a great time to give this passion another shot! I will post some pics from week 1 and show you all how things are going right now and will try to update weekly and will provide as much info and answer any questions you guys might have . Im planning on adding 100-200mg of NPP this coming week...

Happy to be part of a great community and happy to hear from you guys ✌️
Excellent introduction, pretty rare to see here. You look great, sounds like you know what you're doing extremely well. Would love for you to contribute your knowledge around the forum.