New cycle test/ mast/dbol e2 questions

currently on150mg trt dose test a week. I started test P 50mg daily along with adex .5 Ed days. So total test dose is 500mg I also added masteron this week to help with E2. I front loaded a 200mg shot and any going to run masteron prop at 30mg daily total 220mg a week. Also dbol 25mg on work out days

I want to get lab work for my E2 and keep hearing that masteron will not lower E2 that it stops the aromtazation in some sort. So does the stopping the atomization cause e2 to stay on the lower side or does it just block the symptoms. Meaning like can I be walking around with 100ng e2 and just won’t feel the side effects
Mast doesn't actually prevent estrogen conversion, it just reduces the bioactivity of estrogen by competing for the receptor and knocking e2 off of the site.

You end up with higher circulating e2 but low estrogenic activity.
Mast doesn't actually prevent estrogen conversion, it just reduces the bioactivity of estrogen by competing for the receptor and knocking e2 off of the site.

You end up with higher circulating e2 but low estrogenic activity.
Ok so meaning that blood work for E2 and estradiol wouldn’t be entirely accurate sort of say?
You're using .5 adex a day already to control estrogen.
You added in mast in the hopes that it would further reduce your e2 (it doesn't).
But then you want to add dbol in on top of that.

Where is your logic?
You're using .5 adex a day already to control estrogen.
You added in mast in the hopes that it would further reduce your e2 (it doesn't).
But then you want to add dbol in on top of that.

Where is your logic?
I was planning on trying to replace the adex with mast