New cycle


New Member
Ok, just finishing a 4week BLAST of
700mg Tren A ( made it 3.5 weeks lol )
500mast P
300mg test C
4ius GH

Looking to replace the Tren with NPP. Now I have ran plenty of cycles, but this will be my first NPP run. I’ve ran Tren multiple times and sweet spot seems to be 400-500mg for me there, no prolactin issues or concerns, sides are also manageable.

Stats are 6’0ft,206lbs lean ( Thank the Tren gods ) went from 190 to 206lbs in 4weeks lol. Men’s physique competitor, my goal now is to run this cycle for 12-16weeks.

I was thinking
NPP 400mg ( to start get a feel for it )
Mast p 500mg
Test C 500mg-600mg?
GH 4ius and Up once we see how we manage water retention?
