MESO-Rx Exclusive ⭐️New episode alert for Ryan Root's "Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin"

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Subscribe to this thread to receive notifications for each new installment of Ryan Root's "Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin"

For those of you who haven't read the previous installments, I highly recommend it. You can start from the beginning. Here is the link to the main table of contents:

This thread is a new episode announcement page. Please leave your feedback and reviews in the following thread:

Click on the "WATCH" button receive instant notifications of the publication of each new installment of “Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin”.

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Episode 09: “Monitoring the Competition” is now available for reading. BDSupplements takes a look at what his competition is doing including one of the first UGLs.

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