Hello guys, as you can understand from the title, I will try to give information about fake genotropin, but this fake genotropin is not like the old fakes, this is newly produced and it is very difficult for the end user to understand that it is fake.
There is no sticker on the dosage adjustment mechanism as before, looks like how it should, there are only very small details, I will try to give you some information that you can understand.
There are places where it is sold abnormally cheaply in the market, if you bought genotropin from Turkey or Bulgaria for less than 100$, you definitely bought a fake product.
Anyway, please compare the photos with the product in your hand and check whether you are buying a fake product or not, I tried to take the photos as clearly as possible.
I made a comparison with 3 pens, the fake one is dated 2025, I put the original 2025 dated and 2026 dated side by side to avoid any mistake.
The first place to look is the batch number and expiry date, but keep in mind that these numbers can change at any time. ( GR9112- 05/2025 FAKE)
Image genotropin-fake-dot-difference hosted in ImgBB
Image genotropin-fake-dial hosted in ImgBB
Image genotropin-12-sign hosted in ImgBB
Image fake-geno-braille hosted in ImgBB
Image genotropin-code hosted in ImgBB
Image gake-genotropin-batchandexp-date hosted in ImgBB
Image exp-date-geno hosted in ImgBB