New Female Member :)


New Member
Hey guys! Been lurking around here for a few months...decided to join and just didn't think to do the Intro, whoops! Lol

Joined because I started dabbling in the AAS world and am about to start my third cycle. So I figured any knowledge I learn whether its specifics about cycling, source yay's/nay's, etc. would be beneficial to me! Plus... I think you guys need some more female members on here who actually contribute! So far it seems to be a Boys Club in here!:p

So based on previous posts in this thread I guess I'll give you a little background info...

25 yo Female Squat (back) 225# (front) 185#
5'7 Deadlift 300#
140# Clean 165# C&J 150#
17% BF Snatch 85# (work in progress Lol)

**all my lifts are with a belt, no wraps**
Train 5-6x a wk for usually 2 hours with 3+hrs 1x a wk on my Oly training days...

I am not new to the world of working out. Been a competitive athlete my whole life, played for a D1 Top 10 College for my sport, had a Pro career offer but got too injured too close to season....needless to say, I've had a few good workouts here and there;) Currently a medical professional and work in the field....that's pretty much it!

Goals: Started Crossfit (go ahead bring on the comments Lol) earlier this year and finally started to feel like an athlete again, so started taking it seriously right away and have focused on Olympic lifting and have some competitions coming up later this year. Basically just looking mainly for strength benefits along with healing/recovery benefits.

So that's pretty much it! Looking forward to hangin around here and learning from you guys! Thanks!
Welcome to the show!

Not to many competitive exercisers around here, there are probably more girls on aas here than cross fitters.

Good luck on your quest to most exercised in the world!
Hey guys! Bcurking around here for a few months...decided to join and just didn't think to do the Intro, whoops! Lol

Joined because I started dabbling in the AAS world and am about to start my third cycle. So I figured any knowledge I learn whether its specifics about cycling, source yay's/nay's, etc. would be beneficial to me! Plus... I think you guys need some more female members on here who actually contribute! So far it seems to be a Boys Club in here!:p

So based on previous posts in this thread I guess I'll give you a little background info...

25 yo Female Squat (back) 225# (front) 185#
5'7 Deadlift 300#
140# Clean 165# C&J 150#
17% BF Snatch 85# (work in progress Lol)

**all my lifts are with a belt, no wraps**
Train 5-6x a wk for usually 2 hours with 3+hrs 1x a wk on my Oly training days...

I am not new to the world of working out. Been a competitive athlete my whole life, played for a D1 Top 10 College for my sport, had a Pro career offer but got too injured too close to season....needless to say, I've had a few good workouts here and there;) Currently a medical professional and work in the field....that's pretty much it!

Goals: Started Crossfit (go ahead bring on the comments Lol) earlier this year and finally started to feel like an athlete again, so started taking it seriously right away and have focused on Olympic lifting and have some competitions coming up later this year. Basically just looking mainly for strength benefits along with healing/recovery benefits.

So that's pretty much it! Looking forward to hangin around here and learning from you guys! Thanks!
Welcome! are your lifts 1rm ? You got some great numbers for a famale if i must say .

Solid numbers smash. You should be able to transition straight to powerlifting when you get tired of Crossfit!!

Solid numbers smash. You should be able to transition straight to powerlifting when you get tired of Crossfit!!

Thanks MP!!
I've thought about powerlifting...just wasn't sure if my number's were good enough! They are slowly increasing though...only been training CF for about 5 months. Kind of really into Oly lifting right now... any good advice on where I can find out more about power lifting as far as how to get into the competitive side of things? has a searchable database listing meets. It is far from complete but it lets a number of different federations and you can check meets by state.

In the female 132 pound raw class the top total for all three lifts during the past year in the US is 915, 30th in the nation in this class is 737 pds.

So without even training for powerlifting you are already competitive. Programing specifically for powerlifting you will very likely be in the national rankings within a year.
Smash you also may want to check out the "so you think you can squat" and "so you think you can bench" series from EliteFTS on youtube.

Very good tutorials on how to perform both lifts with powerlifting form.