New guy wants to learn.....


New Member
Hey how's everyone doing? My names Jake I'm 31 I have been lifting my whole adult life natural style... I want to learn how I can maybe get a little extra from it and beat my personal bests.... I'll be honest I dony know shit abut shit so I need help..... thanks and have a great day!
First off... if that is you in the avitar, take that down asap.. also, if your real name is jake, I wouldn't have it in the name, along with your year you were born.

ALWAYS assume that law enforcement are watching on their screens. Never make it easy for them. Never post a picture of you with your face and don't tell anyone in a thread your exact location... "south/north/east/west US" is as detailed as I get.

Other than that, what are you wanting to learn? What are your stats? Height, weight, years of lifting, bodyfat%, goals, etc
I'm 5'9 245 lbs, I have been lifting since high school so like 15 years. No idea what my body fat is, I would love to get down to 185-190 but keep my size.... and thank for the heads up I didn't even think about that shit.....