New member here


New Member
Hey everyone, diving into this forum for the first time and thought I'd start by sharing a bit about my journey with steroids and sarms. I've had my fair share of experiences with both, and let me tell you, it's been quite the ride.

I started off exploring the world of steroids, driven by the desire for rapid muscle growth and performance enhancement. While they did deliver results, the side effects were something else. From mood swings to hormonal imbalances, it wasn't the ideal route for me. That's when I stumbled upon sarms.

Sarms offered a different approach, promising gains without the harsh side effects of traditional steroids. I experimented with various products, different dosages, and tracked my progress meticulously. The results were impressive. I've seen substantial muscle growth without the drawbacks that come with traditional steroids.

Now, I'm here to share my experiences, learn from others, and contribute to this community. I believe in an open dialogue about these substances, their pros, cons, and how to use them responsibly. Looking forward to engaging in discussions and learning from all of you!
Welcome Zmith! Which SARMs did you use, and which was your favorite? My understanding is that they have their own risks too. I've been interested in GW-501516, but have stayed away because of the cancer in rats stuff. Do you believe SARMs are safe?