New Member Intro Post


New Member
Long time lurker finally decided to join the fun. I am 48 years old and recently decided to start giving a shit about my body. I am 6’ and 225lbs and I am down 40 lbs from my highest weight in October. I am currently using 10 mg of Tirzepatide weekly, dosed every 3.5 days and 150 mg of Test Cyp weekly, dosed eod. I am working out 5 days a week, eating right, and counting macros. I’ve been on and off trt for the past 20 years and I am looking for advice on how to improve my physical fitness and health.

I look forward to future discussions with the community!

Nothing major. Maybe some tiredness the day after, if anything. I split the dose because half way through the week the hunger noise would start to creep back in.
Long time lurker finally decided to join the fun. I am 48 years old and recently decided to start giving a shit about my body. I am 6’ and 225lbs and I am down 40 lbs from my highest weight in October. I am currently using 10 mg of Tirzepatide weekly, dosed every 3.5 days and 150 mg of Test Cyp weekly, dosed eod. I am working out 5 days a week, eating right, and counting macros. I’ve been on and off trt for the past 20 years and I am looking for advice on how to improve my physical fitness and health.

I look forward to future discussions with the community!

Welcome! What do you mean by on and off trt for 20 years? That sounds like a roller coaster! Too many side effects or fertility issues?
Thanks! I tested low in my late twenties and was put on trt at that time. I was getting 200mg of Test C, once per month, in my PCP’s office and it was an awful experience. I continued on that for a few years and eventually gave up due to the inconsistencies. I dealt with the issues and felt like garbage with low libido, weight gain, and my hypertension got worse. Fast forward to now, I started TRT again last year, after I convinced my PCP to test my T levels. I was <150 total T two tests in a row. He started me on 200mg per month, self administered, eod, no more 1x month crap for me! I started to feel better immediately and had more energy. I got back into the gym, started on Tirzepatide and began working out 5 days a week. 9 months and a lot of research later, I am up to 150mg per week, down 60lbs, BP is 110/70, Total T is 600 and I feel like I’m 17 again! Only persistent issue is high RBC and hematocrit, mostly due to obstructive sleep apnea, which is getting better with the weight loss.