New Member Intro


New Member
Sup Meso

Been hanigng around the forums a bit over the last 5 motnhs or so and thought I would finally introduce myself. 30 Years old. Never really was into fitness/bodybuilding until about 3 years ago. played baseball in highschool but got to college drank and party. Last three years seen some really awesome progress. Went from 145lb to about 200 within a span of 3 years. def was a dirty bulk. First year I just ate and worked out to try to find the hobby. Did not understand nutrition and bulking/cutting. Last two years been really serious in terms of training and eating. Currently 5 foot 10 at 190 at around 20% body fat. Working my way to 200 again and then plan on doing a cut. The goal is to be around this weight about but eventually alot leaner in terms of body fat. just trying to pack on as much mass as possible will still in the newb phase. Looking to learn as much as possible about weightlifting, nutrtion, sleep optimization and AAS. I plan to def dabble in AAS once I have a few more years dialing in nutrition and training. Hope to see yall around the forums and thanks for stopping bye
Great intro, amazing patience not hopping on right away and taking the time to learn and train natural.
Good luck!
I’m 5’10 also and about 30 lbs heavier right now be careful if/when you finally hop on, if you’ve got the same fat genetics like me it can get very very easy to gain (I already gain easy in a surplus). I’m currently cutting down from about 230 and once I’m around 200 should be about 15% bf I think. Agreed on above, congrats on not hopping on right away, there’s really no point until you start topping out after years at it or you’re genuinely low t which makes it really hard to gain muscle and retain it in my experience. Even just hopping on 120mg of test a week made a huge difference for me but I think I’ve been low t my whole life because I’ve always had issues not gaining muscle despite busting my ass in the gym, and losing way too much of it on a cut.
Great intro, amazing patience not hopping on right away and taking the time to learn and train natural.
Good luck!
Thanks for the warm welcome. How long you been training jiu jitsu? I got up to a 4 stripe white so not shit for me but I trained with some fucking massive dudes that could roll for hours. Some of the nicest people though
Thanks for the warm welcome. How long you been training jiu jitsu? I got up to a 4 stripe white so not shit for me but I trained with some fucking massive dudes that could roll for hours. Some of the nicest people though
This will be my 8th year and still going strong. Bjj tends to weed out all the people with big egos over time so all your left with is super chill guys.
You were so close to your blue! Most people wait till after to quit :p
Sup Meso

Been hanigng around the forums a bit over the last 5 motnhs or so and thought I would finally introduce myself. 30 Years old. Never really was into fitness/bodybuilding until about 3 years ago. played baseball in highschool but got to college drank and party. Last three years seen some really awesome progress. Went from 145lb to about 200 within a span of 3 years. def was a dirty bulk. First year I just ate and worked out to try to find the hobby. Did not understand nutrition and bulking/cutting. Last two years been really serious in terms of training and eating. Currently 5 foot 10 at 190 at around 20% body fat. Working my way to 200 again and then plan on doing a cut. The goal is to be around this weight about but eventually alot leaner in terms of body fat. just trying to pack on as much mass as possible will still in the newb phase. Looking to learn as much as possible about weightlifting, nutrtion, sleep optimization and AAS. I plan to def dabble in AAS once I have a few more years dialing in nutrition and training. Hope to see yall around the forums and thanks for stopping bye
Solid into man. Started my journey 2 and a half years ago myself, and soaking it all in as best I can. Welcome!
This will be my 8th year and still going strong. Bjj tends to weed out all the people with big egos over time so all your left with is super chill guys.
You were so close to your blue! Most people wait till after to quit :p
I ended up rollling with a super egotistical purple belt and he slammed me and I dislocated my shoulder and tore my labrum. We was like 225 lean probably on god knows what androgens and I was maybe like 185lbs lol I have had some PTSD since tbh I want to get back into it but worried about longevity and really want to focus on bodybuilding. Maybe in the future though. I did one competition and did enjoy it but really was there to just get lean and learn to wrastle
Solid into man. Started my journey 2 and a half years ago myself, and soaking it all in as best I can. Welcome!
Same! It is super interesting and I want to get fucking massive lol hopefully I can acheive some good stuff naturally and then really get thicc on some bulk cycles
Sup Meso

Been hanigng around the forums a bit over the last 5 motnhs or so and thought I would finally introduce myself. 30 Years old. Never really was into fitness/bodybuilding until about 3 years ago. played baseball in highschool but got to college drank and party. Last three years seen some really awesome progress. Went from 145lb to about 200 within a span of 3 years. def was a dirty bulk. First year I just ate and worked out to try to find the hobby. Did not understand nutrition and bulking/cutting. Last two years been really serious in terms of training and eating. Currently 5 foot 10 at 190 at around 20% body fat. Working my way to 200 again and then plan on doing a cut. The goal is to be around this weight about but eventually alot leaner in terms of body fat. just trying to pack on as much mass as possible will still in the newb phase. Looking to learn as much as possible about weightlifting, nutrtion, sleep optimization and AAS. I plan to def dabble in AAS once I have a few more years dialing in nutrition and training. Hope to see yall around the forums and thanks for stopping bye
Wow what a intro.
Same! It is super interesting and I want to get fucking massive lol hopefully I can acheive some good stuff naturally and then really get thicc on some bulk cycles
For sure, always have to remind ourselves it's a marathon though. Not a race ha, embrace the journey.
I ended up rollling with a super egotistical purple belt and he slammed me and I dislocated my shoulder and tore my labrum. We was like 225 lean probably on god knows what androgens and I was maybe like 185lbs lol I have had some PTSD since tbh I want to get back into it but worried about longevity and really want to focus on bodybuilding. Maybe in the future though. I did one competition and did enjoy it but really was there to just get lean and learn to wrastle
Well I guess I should say it weeds out most egotistical people.
That's how I started out to wanting to use it for cardio then got addicted... how's the shoulder been since?
Well I guess I should say it weeds out most egotistical people.
That's how I started out to wanting to use it for cardio then got addicted... how's the shoulder been since?
It is alot better these days. It def limits me in terms of lifting though and can cause some pretty rough pain in some push movements. I notice that it feels alot better with dumbells and cables vs benching with the bar. Partly I think I had bad tehcnique on top of a bad shoulder. It is getting better though every day. Hopefully can make it back to the mats.

Was thinking about trying a bpc/tb stack to try to help heal. Any thoughts on that? I have done some research and seems promising.