New member intro


New Member
Howdy yall

To start, I have been in the gym ever since i was in middle school (roughly 12 years give or take). The type of training I was doing from my time in middle school, all the way up to high school consisted of mostly free weights and running for the sports I was playing. It wasnt until after high school that I started training like a bodybuilder. After my 4 years of college, I decided to try my hand in a body building show. I dialed in my diet and training and invested in a coach. I did this for roughly a year and a half and competed in men’s physique. After the show, I fell in love with the idea of competing and now look forward to growing and getting better. I did this show naturally to see how far i could push my physique. I am open to the idea of PEDs for when I step on stage again

I’m looking forward to learning and hearing everyone’s experiences on nutrition training etc.