Is the crack down real?

Im not sure about the deep freezer thing. I am splitting all mine up in 30gram increments in Mylar bags with a 300cc oxygen absorber stored in a cool dry dark place like gun safe or something.
I looked into it. As long as you can vacuum seal it and remove all chances of moisturise and when thawed it's slow and controlled. I think it can work out. The more moisturise control the better. The only risk is if I ever have to transport it from a deep freezer to somewhere else. Idk I'm just running through my options and trying to be economical as possible. Buying enough for a decade worth is really appealing. I'd be chillin.
I've never frozen any of mine. Always kept vac sealed with O2 absorber in 7 mil hd mylar. Its been a couple years since I last broke off a few grams of the 15 year old mother kilo in storage (since I've gotten lazy and Chinese gear is so cheap). last brew I made it "felt" as potent as the first time. I'll prob organize some testing on a discord server for it. Although those raw sources are long gone it'll be interesting to know what the potency is at now. 15-20 years ago we never sent shit in for analytical testing.
Presumably you went off doctor prescribed TRT for a reason. Cost, low amount prescribed, and/or time consuming office appointments and blood tests.
Yes I went of doc prescribed because of cost, $200 a month just didn’t seem worth it to me. I was prescribed 200mg a week and that puts me around 1080 test I was fine with that and able to still blast with short esters since he drew blood every 6 months. With the low cost of test and being able to pull my own labs I just figured it wasn’t worth it anymore. So now I buy a few extra vials every 4-6 months to build a little stash.
I think Liska was busted because he used to sell Fentanyl (at least that is what someone said)

I read a post of his, where he had tested some bunk tesofensine and, posting the results, he wrote
, I acquired a sample in a way that will hopefully protect me from the retaliation via doxxing attempts and other means I'm fully expecting.
A few months down the line, he was gone.
I wouldn’t assume this is related to what happened to him.
But in light of it, those words kind of stood out and your post reminded me of them.
It's a shame it ended badly, for him.
I enjoyed readings some of the interactions he had here; he seemed quite witty.
I've never frozen any of mine. Always kept vac sealed with O2 absorber in 7 mil hd mylar. Its been a couple years since I last broke off a few grams of the 15 year old mother kilo in storage (since I've gotten lazy and Chinese gear is so cheap). last brew I made it "felt" as potent as the first time. I'll prob organize some testing on a discord server for it. Although those raw sources are long gone it'll be interesting to know what the potency is at now. 15-20 years ago we never sent shit in for analytical testing.
I actually brewed test cyp i got from sheshigui, my old supplier from way back in the 2000s. I got it around 07 i think.

Injected 125mg then got blood test for total testosterone as part of my trt protocol and it came out around 930 ng/dl so its comparable to my prescribed test cyp.

It’s not definite but it still shows degradation is not bad even after more than 10yrs.

I did the same with some old karachi sust and aburai han test e, they tested ok too.
cut to QSC huge huge sale/exit scam...

also very likely trump tightens borders also likely he gives china some black rock property so they can control ur food/dwelling more and in turn stop shipping drugs (as they need equal income for the trouble and play long game)
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