Shoulder impingement


New Member
The title says it all. I have a shoulder impingement, only get pain when doing incline chest movements, bench and fly movements. Shoulder press hurts a little until I warm up. At this point in time I am avoiding seeing a doctor. I have been doing some rehab stuff I found on youtube. Has anyone successfully overcome this injury? Suggestions?
Bicep tendonitis can feel about the same as impingement too i have found. Stopping doing what is causing it is a good place to start that way swelling can be reduced. Then strengthening which every muscles are the weakest in the support system is good as well.
Tb500 at 2.5mg M/W/F and site sub q bpc 157 500mcg/day. Stretching and bodyweight routines only that week.

After a week of that hit a chiropractor then get a massage from a really good massage therapist back to back.

Continue the peptides and stretching for another at least week after that, longer if needed. Add real weights back in once it gets better.

Going to bodyweight calisthenic routines for a couple weeks can keep from losing gains while improving function strength and agility.
It could be bursitis/tendonitis. Like was stated above, do nothing that would aggravate it for a week or two.

Icing the shoulder area and anti inflammatories can help, but just letting it rest first helps.

I had it so bad I couldn't sleep, had to lay on my back with my arms to my sides, and picking items up off my countertop was painful.

It sounded like rice crispies popping in my rotator cuff when I moved my arm.

This is "snapping scapula syndrome."

Once you start to feel better begin with bodyweight only exercises, like basic pushups to see how it feels. Inclines/military presses, etc. Should be avoided.
Tb500 at 2.5mg M/W/F and site sub q bpc 157 500mcg/day. Stretching and bodyweight routines only that week.

After a week of that hit a chiropractor then get a massage from a really good massage therapist back to back.

Continue the peptides and stretching for another at least week after that, longer if needed. Add real weights back in once it gets better.

Going to bodyweight calisthenic routines for a couple weeks can keep from losing gains while improving function strength and agility.
I agree, but rest ice and thera gun would be my first 3 to go to in that situation, I'd say mabe take a full week off fully rest or mabe just legs and start back slow again. Of course every little tweek will set us back.

Push ups dips and pullups can actually aggravate my shoulders worse than lowering my weights and taking a deload.
Before every body workout hang from a bar but not with all your body weight, have your feet touching the floor. Slowly get the shoulders to release as you put more weight on the hang. Try different hand positions and if one hurts don’t do it. You can YouTube hanging for shoulder health.
I agree, but rest ice and thera gun would be my first 3 to go to in that situation, I'd say mabe take a full week off fully rest or mabe just legs and start back slow again. Of course every little tweek will set us back.

Push ups dips and pullups can actually aggravate my shoulders worse than lowering my weights and taking a deload.
Yeah I should amend that by saying i meant very low load effort. Slightly supported bar hangs, deload pushups to the point of not twinging the injury, if that means on your knees so be it. I'd never touch dips with a shoulder issue. Lol.

You can accomplish a lot with simple yoga, stretching, and plyometrics while healing.
Also have a look at your sleeping position as the wrong position can negatively affect such injuries. There are quite a lot of videos on youtube showing how to reduce strain on your shoulders, while sleeping, using pillows.