New member intro


New Member
Greetings everyone,

Really happy to finally be on Meso-Rx and to get involved with the community. Been an on and off lurker for years and this community seems to align with my goals and values.

Currently not on any gear but I'm very passionate about lifting and nutrition and overall health optimization. Definitely cycle-curious at this point, but I'd like to be smart and sustainable so that my fitness journey stays healthy and that longevity remains at the top of the list.

Greetings everyone,

Really happy to finally be on Meso-Rx and to get involved with the community. Been an on and off lurker for years and this community seems to align with my goals and values.

Currently not on any gear but I'm very passionate about lifting and nutrition and overall health optimization. Definitely cycle-curious at this point, but I'd like to be smart and sustainable so that my fitness journey stays healthy and that longevity remains at the top of the list.

Good morning, I am also new to community, however been on gear for just under 5 years cycling every 3 to 4 months. I personally feel that it’s been incredible. Better mood, sleep, body composition. The only fallback is my predisposition for gray hair, but easily dyed.
Best of luck to you bother
Good morning, I am also new to community, however been on gear for just under 5 years cycling every 3 to 4 months. I personally feel that it’s been incredible. Better mood, sleep, body composition. The only fallback is my predisposition for gray hair, but easily dyed.
Best of luck to you bother
Thanks for the reply. What kind of cycles are you running?
I’m running:
test-E @ 400 mg wk
Test-C @ 200 mg wk
Mast-p/tren-a/test-p mix @ 300 mg wk
A-dex @ .5 mg eod
Winny oral @ 25 mg ed

I started off at Test-E @ 600 mg wk for my first cycle about 5 years ago. It kinda took on a world of its own from there. I look at it like I could be drinking or drugs/smoking and killing myself faster.

I’ve been trying to keep it healthy only running cycles like my current for only 10-12 weeks with 3-4 month breaks.

What are you thinking about running bro? You could try an oral cycle like winstrol or anavar as a pre workout if you plan on running a cycle. The results are unreal
I’m running:
test-E @ 400 mg wk
Test-C @ 200 mg wk
Mast-p/tren-a/test-p mix @ 300 mg wk
A-dex @ .5 mg eod
Winny oral @ 25 mg ed

I started off at Test-E @ 600 mg wk for my first cycle about 5 years ago. It kinda took on a world of its own from there. I look at it like I could be drinking or drugs/smoking and killing myself faster.

I’ve been trying to keep it healthy only running cycles like my current for only 10-12 weeks with 3-4 month breaks.

What are you thinking about running bro? You could try an oral cycle like winstrol or anavar as a pre workout if you plan on running a cycle. The results are unreal

That sounds like a pretty considerable cycle. What makes you use the combinations of different esters? I see you're doing that with the test and the tren so I imagine that you're seeing some kind of benefit there.

If I were to get my hands dirty I'd probably just start out on around 250mg test weekly and see how I respond. Keep titrating up the dose and keep an AI on hand if I start to see any sides. I have a great doctor who does bloods super cheap so I'd probably get those once a month and just see how I go on test only. Then I'd think about adding in some hgh, see how that goes, and then start considering the more potent anabolics.

I've heard a lot about short orals cycles like you mentioned. Do you have any experience with that? I'm in a cut phase right now so I could see how that could be a game changer.
The 250 a week is a good start. I’m the type that once I started seeing considerable results after the first 2-3 weeks of my very first cycle, I got curious and wasn’t the smartest. I had no guidance and started adding in different stuff like tren, winstrol, mast, deca, primo and EQ. It wasn’t smart but I figured out what my body responds to best.

I use the different ester for different things. The test-p/mast-p/tren-a is a mix for short, quick acting esters gives me the dry, ripped look. The test-e/test-c is a mix I buy too. It’s just the normal every 3 day shot. It’s only two vials. I like the mixed compounds so I only have to do 2 cc’s.

I can tell you that you’ll like the orals if you exercise regularly. I noticed big differences when I added orals as pre workouts. Huge difference.
At this point I just want to keep a good physique for the wife and it helps with the energy, libido and sleep. I’m in my late 30’s now. So nothing crazy

You’re going to use the Dr/pharmacy? What’s your gym routine like? How many days a week, etc?
What orals you going to try? Avar/D-bol?
The 250 a week is a good start. I’m the type that once I started seeing considerable results after the first 2-3 weeks of my very first cycle, I got curious and wasn’t the smartest. I had no guidance and started adding in different stuff like tren, winstrol, mast, deca, primo and EQ. It wasn’t smart but I figured out what my body responds to best.

I use the different ester for different things. The test-p/mast-p/tren-a is a mix for short, quick acting esters gives me the dry, ripped look. The test-e/test-c is a mix I buy too. It’s just the normal every 3 day shot. It’s only two vials. I like the mixed compounds so I only have to do 2 cc’s.

I can tell you that you’ll like the orals if you exercise regularly. I noticed big differences when I added orals as pre workouts. Huge difference.
At this point I just want to keep a good physique for the wife and it helps with the energy, libido and sleep. I’m in my late 30’s now. So nothing crazy

You’re going to use the Dr/pharmacy? What’s your gym routine like? How many days a week, etc?
What orals you going to try? Avar/D-bol?
Yeah on another forum I got the standard "take your 500mg test and stfu" reply, but 250 should be enough to get above the reference range and see how my body responds. I want to be methodical about adding compounds so I know exactly how I'm responding to each one independently, even though the temptation to throw the kitchen sink is always there.

Ah that makes sense. Do you get any pip from that? It does sound like a nice way to streamline your dosages if you've got a good source. Sure the wife loves the test, tren, and mast physique! Plus the winny you must be dry and diced.

I'm probably not getting a script because my baseline test is already top of the reference range (mid 700s to mid 800s regularly), but it would be nice to source pharma grade.

Right now I'm on a 4 day/week split with arms and shoulders on day 1 and 3, chest, back, and legs on day 2 and 4. Trying to get my arms to catch up and fill out. Avar sounds like a good first oral to see how the body responds. I know it's supposed to give a nice dry look and help with cutting and taking it preworkout would be great since i workout first thing in the morning. Getting some extra anabolic drive would help.
The 250 a week is a good start. I’m the type that once I started seeing considerable results after the first 2-3 weeks of my very first cycle, I got curious and wasn’t the smartest. I had no guidance and started adding in different stuff like tren, winstrol, mast, deca, primo and EQ. It wasn’t smart but I figured out what my body responds to best.

I use the different ester for different things. The test-p/mast-p/tren-a is a mix for short, quick acting esters gives me the dry, ripped look. The test-e/test-c is a mix I buy too. It’s just the normal every 3 day shot. It’s only two vials. I like the mixed compounds so I only have to do 2 cc’s.

I can tell you that you’ll like the orals if you exercise regularly. I noticed big differences when I added orals as pre workouts. Huge difference.
At this point I just want to keep a good physique for the wife and it helps with the energy, libido and sleep. I’m in my late 30’s now. So nothing crazy

You’re going to use the Dr/pharmacy? What’s your gym routine like? How many days a week, etc?
What orals you going to try? Avar/D-bol

Yeah on another forum I got the standard "take your 500mg test and stfu" reply, but 250 should be enough to get above the reference range and see how my body responds. I want to be methodical about adding compounds so I know exactly how I'm responding to each one independently, even though the temptation to throw the kitchen sink is always there.

Ah that makes sense. Do you get any pip from that? It does sound like a nice way to streamline your dosages if you've got a good source. Sure the wife loves the test, tren, and mast physique! Plus the winny you must be dry and diced.

I'm probably not getting a script because my baseline test is already top of the reference range (mid 700s to mid 800s regularly), but it would be nice to source pharma grade.

Right now I'm on a 4 day/week split with arms and shoulders on day 1 and 3, chest, back, and legs on day 2 and 4. Trying to get my arms to catch up and fill out. Avar sounds like a good first oral to see how the body responds. I know it's supposed to give a nice dry look and help with cutting and taking it preworkout would be great since i workout first thing in the morning. Getting some extra anabolic drive would help.

I don’t get pip from mine. They are both “blends.” I have a good place I found. I haven’t seen the site referenced on here but they sponsor the labs I use. I say that tongue in cheek because I want to try the labs I’ve read with good sources.

I hope it works out well for you bro. You’ll definitely get what you’re looking for at 250 a week starting. The worst part for me was the aggression. You just kinda lose patience, but it hasn’t been so bad I freak out or “rage.” I just get annoyed when I take more than 900 mgs a week.
Yeah I know anabolics have a tendency to make you a bit aggro by nature, and with high dose tren on top of that it's not surprising. I think tren stimulates the same system as cortisol or something like that, so not surprising that it would stress a guy out. But good on you for keeping it cool and thanks for your insight