New member introduction


New Member
I have been creeping for quite a while now and have even been a member for a bit. Decided that I might as well introduce myself.

I have been lifting since I was around 14. Lifted off and on at times. Sometimes life gets in the way and things fall to the wayside. I have been steadily lifting for 3-4 years now and am currently 39. I went on trt a few years ago and decided that I might as well try a few cycles. Been doing well so far. Not going too crazy since I am older.

I was always really small and skinny growing up and we were poor and moved a lot. This led to me being picked on and bullied a lot. Hence my desires to be bigger and stronger. Even though that isn’t my life anymore, that small insecure kid still resides within me. I feel better about my physique, but doubt I will ever be satisfied.

So that’s a bit about me and a bit about what drives me to workout out. The real conundrum is that I don’t want to be too heavy because I do enjoy hiking and the outdoors, so I don’t want to be heavy enough that it makes those activities difficult. For context, I am 5’ 11” and currently weigh 220 lbs.
Welcome man, thanks for the intro.

When I started TRT I fairly quickly felt confident in myself, more than I ever had in the past. Also love the discipline that the lifestyle brings.

What do you think your cycles will look like?


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