TRT Advise


New Member
Any online clinics(USA BASED) that allow TRT without bloods.
If I show bloods of course I'll pop hot for high test.
So wondering if there are clinics that will prescribe test without bloods.
In the past I had to drop all test for a month or so to get my levels below a certain threshold.
And take two tests under that threshold.
Yes you'
Any online clinics(USA BASED) that allow TRT without bloods.
If I show bloods of course I'll pop hot for high test.
So wondering if there are clinics that will prescribe test without bloods.
In the past I had to drop all test for a month or so to get my levels below a certain threshold.
And take two tests under that threshold.
Yes you'll have to do bloods. Some places will work with you if you tell them you've been blasting. I saw an ad for I think Viking TRT and he said no need to crash your test levels. Now I don't know what happens after that.
Any online clinics(USA BASED) that allow TRT without bloods.
If I show bloods of course I'll pop hot for high test.
So wondering if there are clinics that will prescribe test without bloods.
In the past I had to drop all test for a month or so to get my levels below a certain threshold.
And take two tests under that threshold.
Any actual trt clinic will take higher than the threshold needed for actual TRT, I know of people saying they got it on 500-600 test levels.
Just drop your test for a week and youll be down, 9 day trough Im down in the 500s off of 200mg/wk test c
Anabolic Doc will not force you to crash. The low levels are standard protocol for insurance purposes. There's no law preventing a doctor from prescribing Test for whatever reason he can make a rational case for, and that includes harm reduction.

They'll prescribe test to teen girls because they feel like they should be male, ffs.
If u can show past blood work as low and requiring trt and they accept it and u show uve been on trt for x amount of tears i have never had an issue switching clinics in the past… i have scripted test and past doctor blood work…

Or do what @HUGE McBIGLARGE did haha

Tell us the secret @HUGE McBIGLARGE … what apps did u use?
Tell us the secret @HUGE McBIGLARGE … what apps did u use?
I took an old blood test PDF, put it in GIMP (prefer it to photoshop), then spent a night meticulously changing all the values to whatever I wanted. Then used a website like this Make any PDF look like scanned! to make it look less photoshopped

These days I do it differently. I use Inspect Element on my browser so I can just type out the values I want and get it done in 1% the time.

Sometimes if I want pharma grade drugs they’ll ask for proof I’ve got an existing prescription. I take a screenshot on my phone of another drug I’ve got, then photoshop that, and I photoshop the time on the screenshot to match when I send it. A phone screenshot is so “rustic” that it adds a lot more credibility.
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Anabolic Doc will not force you to crash. The low levels are standard protocol for insurance purposes. There's no law preventing a doctor from prescribing Test for whatever reason he can make a rational case for, and that includes harm reduction.

They'll prescribe test to teen girls because they feel like they should be male, ffs.
Yeah but anabolic doc… is he Even remotely affordable? Usually no for being a concierge….
Yeah but anabolic doc… is he Even remotely affordable? Usually no for being a concierge….

In the range of a couple thousand a year. Without genuine hypogonadism as strictly defined by the insurance companies, Doctor prescribed TRT is always expensive. At least he's competent,
In the range of a couple thousand a year. Without genuine hypogonadism as strictly defined by the insurance companies, Doctor prescribed TRT is always expensive. At least he's competent,
Yup he knows a lot and is very competent, i see a lot of his videos and almost went with him but a few years back when we talked it was like 5k per year for full concierge service… i didnt have that kinda scratch
Yup he knows a lot and is very competent, i see a lot of his videos and almost went with him but a few years back when we talked it was like 5k per year for full concierge service… i didnt have that kinda scratch

He started using assistants for many routine functions, but even with that I think he's recently raised his prices because demand exceeds his ability to serve all free guys interested in using him. Thats how it goes unfortunately.