New member plan on sharing results/blood work

I am 30 years old, 6’1 181 pounds, fresh dexa scan yesterday at 8.1% BF. Prior men’s physique competitor planning on stepping back on stage soon. I’ve been in 200mg/test 200mg/deca (through TRT clinic) for four months and plan on staying on TRT long term. Had baseline blood work done prior to starting, doing blood work tomorrow to get a baseline on my current regime. I am planning on running 450mg/week test 200mg/deca for 12 weeks, with 8 weeks Anadrol dosed at 25/25/50/50/50/50/50/50 and Winstrol for 20mg/day for 6 weeks leading into a competition. I know these doses may be low for some but I respond well and don’t plan on pushing my health. Training is 5 days a week lifting and 3 days cardio. Diet has been tracked and will be carb cycling hoping to grow into show.

Will do blood work after 8 weeks on 450 test

Will do dexa scan last week to determine fat and lean mass.

I purchased test e and Orals throug basicstero so all gear is pharmacom. I know they have gotten a bad rep the past few months, I’ve used them before. This is my first real cycle in more than 5 years. I hope to actually share some real results as so much seems to be hear say or get pushed heavily by “VIPs” and mods on all the various sites.

Meso is the only forum I have joined and hopefully I’ll be able to share things freely.
Because I can’t post else where, I made my purchase late Wednesday night, woke up Thursday to see had confirmed my funds via bitcoin, showed as shipped as of yesterday, (Friday), tracking today (Saturday) with expected delivery of Monday.