New member - Scandinavian abroad


New Member
Hey everyone! I moved to Spain 18 months ago and felt the itch to get back to bodybuilding after being off gear for years. As many of you know the laws concerning PEDs are strict up in the north and after they introduced random steroid testing at my workplace, it was just not viable for me. At one point we even had the police showing up at our my gym asking bigger guys to provide urine samples.

Anyway, now I feel free again and I'm glad to be here! I spent a lot of time lurking and reading your threads on various topics. Seems like a great forum. Btw, If anyone can recommend a (mainland)Spanish speaking boards of similar nature ro this I'd be very interested if you sent me a PM about it. It would be great to know more local information from the natives.

Goals and health:
My current goal is to reach my genetic limit size wise on somewhat moderate doses and with reasonable health concerns, and then stay lean all year round. Test and anavar are my bread and butter, but I won't deny that I've dabbled compounds I know better than to touch. I have bunked up on ancillaries to be able to adress lot of health concerns (ARBs, beta blockers, ezetemibe, statins, tudca, NAC and much more) and I do regular blood work.

Kind regards
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