New member with question


New Member
Hello I’ve been here for a while as a lurker have learned a lot thanks to you guys but I’m in a predicament , I recently took a 250 mg per week for 4 months of test E my natural test levels are around 650 (I had tested 6 months ago at a try clinic that didn’t accept me because my levels were “high”) I felt amazing for the 4 months , it’s been a month and a half and I was late ordering my pct , I just ordered them so I’m atleast a month and a half after my last shot before starting pct, and I’m worried , should I take my pct or skip out on it ? Or I’m I too late
Hello I’ve been here for a while as a lurker have learned a lot thanks to you guys but I’m in a predicament , I recently took a 250 mg per week for 4 months of test E my natural test levels are around 650 (I had tested 6 months ago at a try clinic that didn’t accept me because my levels were “high”) I felt amazing for the 4 months , it’s been a month and a half and I was late ordering my pct , I just ordered them so I’m atleast a month and a half after my last shot before starting pct, and I’m worried , should I take my pct or skip out on it ? Or I’m I too late
Welcome aboard. Comments in other thread.