New Testing Company -

While fully agreeing with post #38 I gotta say I've been hearing a lot about the results provided by your company.
I didn't mean to stir up any bad blood. I didn't know about the history between AL and ChemClarity.

No worries. It seem like the ChemClarity service would be a perfect complement to AnabolicLab. AnabolicLab could use their lab testing connections to affordably test samples we submitted and AnabolicLab could refer the hundreds of requests of personal lab testing service directly to them. I'm puzzled by their lack of professionalism and hostility towards working with me. I don't think you understand the role AL has in the buying decisions of customers because you need to understand the whole puzzle of how buyers make an informed decision in the online market. AL is seen as one very important peice of the puzzle which is backed up by science. You also need to understand that before AL, buyers were soley relying on anonymous testimony and bloodwork that had no proof of product and dosage used. Also, you are offering a service for buyers post-purchase. How is ChemClarity helping buyers make informed decisions? Is all private customer results being released publicly to help the community make more informed buying decisions? AL is an amazing tool to the online community and until more data is released to the public about the most popular illicit brands, it is the best one we have for harm reduction and for making informed buying decisions.

P.S. You should be thanking AL and @Millard Baker for changing the online community by making buyers aware of lab testing and more users demanding testing of UGLs. You probably wouldn't have much of a market worldwide without Millard's work.

Thanks @mkulltra58! I'm still not sure that ChemClarity fully grasps what AnabolicLab is attempting to accomplish. AnabolicLab lab never advertised as a personal testing service. It never presented itself as a competitor to ChemClarity. And it never claimed to be superior to a personal testing service. So I was taken by surprise by @over9000 reaction.

The AnabolicLab program is not perfect and has its shortcomings but a historic database can be very useful in demonstrating problems, patterns, consistencies and inconsistencies in the underground androgen marketplace.

As far as a personal testing service is concerned, there is nothing better for individual harm reduction than to test the actual product that the individual is using. ChemClarity should be applauded for providing an affordable personal testing service to serve the AAS harm reduction needs of the UK community. Hopefully, it will find the legal means to expand its availability to the international community in the future.
We just don't think this type of 'pre-purchase' testing is an effective tool and that's an opinion shared by many people. A database of historic test data isn't as all that useful and it doesn't help a user select a reliable UGL. The industry is too inconsistent for this to work - which we can demonstrate.

For example - If a UGL tests 'well' and that information is released, it creates a perception of quality that will influence a user's decision making. Months later that same UGL could test poorly. So the data provided on the UGL isn't helpful.

^^ Last month we tested c.130 samples from submitted by British Public and we've already seen examples of this happening.

Do you recognize the irony of using the ChemClarity database of historic test data to demonstrate that the AnabolicLab database of historic test data isn't useful?
It's something we're working on with our authorities. We understand the law but the process isn't clear.

I'm sure that if you expand the project in all European countries, there will be no problems with the authorities. There are no border controls in the Schengen area countries. In fact, many guys buy the products in uk and many Italian boys send products to their friends, based in uk. They have never experienced problems, or blocks of shipments. Obviously the cost of lab tests for non uk customers, will be more, because the cost of shipping is greater.

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk are you suffering from "selective reading and responding" disability sir?
Are you the handle @over9000 at UK Muscle ? It's funny you can talk the talk but one easy question has you speechless huh :rolleyes:
I do not think that he knows what he is talking about. Wedinos in UK was shut down because of abuse, although the intention was good.

Sooner or later he will have attention of same authorities he is claiming to be working with.

If things were so easy and legal we would have 1000s labs testing all over the place.

He is just small jumper claiming that he solved the puzzle of century.