New Member
So I have been researching a while. I said let's do this!! Got plenty hcg,novaldex,clomid, arimidex..Decided to get some test e(settled for titans test c). I am also taking cycle support by AI.I decided to front load the test.So here it is: I assume the test cyp is probably like his test e(200 mg) so I loaded 1000 first week. And did 600 second week. I have been taking Arimedex from a decent research site.5ed. ( don't know if I should yet, I thought it might help with the bloat) I am 5ft 11in and 215lbs 14%bf (natural) so I am hoping to do more of a lean bulk. I have been around the gym for so long I was really just excited to see what Test could do for me. The problem is I haven't worked out a balanced schedule for pinning yet, I understand stable test blood levels are important. I haven't verified my E2 level so I don't know about the Arimedex ed. This is day 16 for me. I have some test prop that is from a more replicable source.If it is more legit than my test c I might switch. I am looking for some valuable feedback(advice)from some Vets or experienced members about pinning too much too often? Shutting down e2 and consequences? When to do my blood(lab work)during cycle. I understand these are all questions I should have probably already researched answers for, but what can I say. If you think this kind of behavior is reckless, you should have known me back in the day. thanks for the help