New to Gear and the Community


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am a 28 year old who has recently started using gear (about 4 months ago).

I had a pretty gnarly motorcycle accident that resulted in 4 broken bones in my right wrist and two torn ligaments. My first operation went badly, and I got a post-operative antibiotic resistant MRSA infection that destroyed all of the cartilage in my right wrist and ate part of my dorsal nerve. As a result, I was in the ICU for two weeks and had to have two further surgeries, ending up with a full wrist fusion, extensive nerve damage, and loss of use in my right hand and complete loss of function of right wrist, which is my dominant hand.

I am an US Army vet, and have always been in pretty good shape, but the long-term opiate medication (two years) and resulting sedentary lifestyle from the injury and its limitations on my gym routine took its toll; I gained over 20 kg (107 kg at my heaviest; for reference I am 190cm) and my endocrinological system was wrecked, with my blood work showing only 2.9 ng/dl of free testosterone.

So, after realizing that I was in a pretty bad place mentally, physically, and just all around not happy with my current situation, I decided to make a change. I started TRT via Test Prop and added some MK-667, BPC-157, and TB-500, and got to work.

The results have been life changing, or at least life affirming. Before, I thought I would be forever limited, and as a result of some exercise, gear, supplements, and good diet, I really believe that soon, I will be in the best shape of my life. My goal physique is within my reach, wrist be damned! I am now 90kg and feel stronger than ever!

I am very excited to be a part of this forum, and I am looking forward to learning a lot. I hope one day to be a valuable resource as well, to help others who are trying to recover from similar life changing accidents and permanent disabilities, especially when the traditional methods have failed.

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this forum.

Welcome aboard brother, you should find the resources needed here, there should be guys in the same boat albeit their injuries are not from accidents.
Welcome aboard brother, you should find the resources needed here, there should be guys in the same boat albeit their injuries are not from accidents.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I am definitely having a look around to try and find some more resources. Finding the right balance is not the easiest thing in the world…