New to the community


Help out first cycle in 3 years
Ok so I'm completely new to this forum stuff. I'll start with stats
Height : 5'8
Wieght : 170
Bf: 13%
Age : 25
7 years very dedicated lifting and dieting
So back to the topic I have done one cycle of just test back when I was 22 (now 25) I did test prop for 8 weeks followed by 4 weeks of clomid and tamoxifen I now realize I should have waited but I let some one talk to me into. Experience was fine I gained close to 28lbs and kept it all for over a year only problem was in the past couple years I got exetermly Ill and was hospitalized losing all the weight I gained plus 15 lbs more. Fast forward I have tried so many different things (dieting and switching up workouts) and can not put back on the muscle I was had after cycle. So I am planing on doing a cycle of test cyp 400mg for 12 weeks with exemestane 12.5mg eod for entire cycle then same pct protocol as before clomid and tamoxifen 4 weeks maybe hcg the last 4 weeks of test but not sure. The question at hand is I have anavar and tbol on hand and would like to add one into my cycle. I have been doing TONS of research on aas for several years. I just want some actual opinions from people who have actually taken them first hand. Please chime in with opinions and if I missed something apologize ahead if I missed something let me know I can add
Also I'm looking for a new source my orals come from gp but I'm reading good shit on here about pharmacon thinking about dropping a couple cents on some orals