Newbie scientist cycle, looking to give back


I've been lurking for a while and am about ready to start my first test e cycle (500mg / week for 10-12 weeks). I am scheduled to get pre-cycle bloods done soon, and after that plan on pinning 250 mg Mondays and Thursdays with a 23 ga, 1.5" needle intra-muscularly in the glute. I will have adex on hand if gyno pops up, in which case I'd plan on taking 0.25 mg / day throughout the remaining duration of the cycle. At a minimum I am going to get mid cycle bloods done and evaluate the need to introduce mid-cycle nolva to alter E2 (being sure not to take the nolva concomitantly with the adex as some people have pointed out (I need to do more reading on this point)) . I am planning on doing a 40/40/20/20 nolva PCT beginning 2 weeks after last pin, but will also have clomid on hand if people convince me to mix it in. Since people seem to inquire about pre-gear training history, I have been training sans-gear for over 10 years, currently sitting at about 5'11 205 at ~9-10% bf, training for powerlifting.

Here is where I have a few questions, and am hoping I can somewhat contribute to this community:

1) My source gave me 2 200mg/ml e's and 2 200mg/ml c's; does it matter if I pin the test e until it is gone and switch to the c? This is non-ugl test depot, and from everything I have read the c's and the e's are almost identical. With these numbers I have 4,000 mg e, 4,000 mg c (minus waste), but would consume 5,000 - 6,000 mg during the cycle, so would need to either source more of one, or just begin pinning the c once the e is gone.

2) Has anyone found there to be a need to do more frequent bloodwork than pre, mid, and post pct? One area that I do have a very particular set of skills in is mathematical modelling. I am curious if any more senior members have any gut feelings to whether even attempting such a thing would be useful to track (and very optimistically predict) lipid profiles and hormone levels. If so, I would increase the frequency with which I go in for bloods to see if any kind of reasonable model can be constructed.

2b) Do any of our more medically inclined individuals have any text-book recommendations for HPTA / biochem / anything analytical as it pertains to this?

3) Can anyone think of any other use for a mathematical model related to our interests here?

Thanks for putting up with the verbosity, let me know how I can give back :)

- Harby
Re 1. No it doesn’t really matter switching from test e to c as it’s the same hormone with s nearly identical half-life.
Back to the topic that gives me a bit of a brainer, I figure with my first cycle I'll get a bit more frequent bloodwork to model things. If nothing else I'd like have some plots of lipid and hormone levels over time for people to look back upon.